tirsdag den 12. september 2023

Bedre Pflaumenmus

Better Pflaumenmus (Plum Spread)

Efter nu at have kogt resten af træets blommer til Pflaumenmus, er jeg klar med en bedre opskrift.
Pflaumenmus (blommemos):
2,5 kg blommer       
½ tsk nelliker
½ tsk kanel 
½ tsk vanille
½ tsk ingefær     
sukker efter smag
¼ tsk revet muskatnød
saften fra ½ citron
  Vask blommerne og udsten dem. Hak dem groft og kog dem til en grød tilsæt sukker, nelliker, kanel, vanille og ingefær (pas på - ikke for meget kanel). Herfra kan man fortsætte på to måder, den "rigtige" og en lidt nemmere. Til den rigtige måde hældes blommemosen i bradepanden, der sættes i ovnen ved 150° - lågen skal stå en anelse på klem - i ca 4 timer eller til mosen er blevet smukt mørkerød og tyktflydende, der skal røres af og til.
Høld massen tilage i gryden, kog den op, sluk og tilsæt muskatnød og citronsaft. Høld mosen på skoldede glas, der lukkes til med det samme.
  Den nemmere måde, er der konserveringsmiddel i: Mosen koges noget mere ind i gryden, og der tilsættes et geleringsmiddel efter opskriften på posen, sluk og tilsæt muskatnød og citronsaft. Mosen hældes i varme, atamonskyllede glas, der lukkes til med det samme.

After having picked all my plums and made a load of Plum spread I have an improved recipe.
Pflaumenmus (plum spread):
2.5 kg plums      
½ tsp cloves
½ tsp cinnamon  
½ tsp vanilla
sugar to taste
¼ tsp grated nutmeg
the juice from half a lemon

  Wash the plums and stone them. Chop them coarsely and boil them into a mush, add sugar, cloves, cinnamon and  vanilla (be careful - not too much cinnamon). From here you can proceed in two ways, the origianl way and a slightly easier one.
For the original Pflaumenmus, pour the plum mash into the roasting tin, place it in the oven at 150° - the door should be slightly ajar - for about 4 hours or until the mash has turned a beautiful dark red colour and is not runny any more, stirring occasionally- Pour the mash back into the pot, bring to a boil, turn off the heat and stir in nutmeg and lemon juice, pour it into scalding hot jars and place them in the oven for 2 minutes.
  The less messy way is to let it stayin the pot: boil the mash for 2 hours more, stirring regularly, turn off the heat and stir in nutmeg and lemon juice, pour the mash into scalding hot jars and seal immediately.

4 kommentarer:

  1. I like your easy way and may even try it when plums come back into season here. Thank you.

    1. It is so tasty on toast, I eat it every day rigth now.

  2. It sounds delightful. I've always wished I'd learned how to can fruits and vegetables. Maybe I'll have time someday.

    1. I have taught myself. When I was a child/young one, people did not do this any more thanks to the abundance of canned goods in the supermarkets.
      I hope you'll have time for it some day, as it is not difficult and so much better - and I wish I could send you a jar or two of homemades via this blog ;)
      This comment was freed from spam-prison.


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