søndag den 24. september 2023

An Error! - Updated

This is happening a lot lately:

Elephant's Child's blog, but it happens everywhere. Sometimes I can solve it by copying my comment, refreshing the page (F5), pasting the comment and then publishing. But not always.

I have not disappeared, or turned away from commenting. Blogger simply won't let me!

Answering Jenny_o' and EC's comments with following words:
"You're right. Changing browsers sometimes help If only it was the same browser doing the trick, I could just use that one, but it seems like it's the changing doing it :)"
I tried following River's advice of just clicking until it published. Leading to a new error: You have reached the maximum number of comments allowed for one day - try again tomorrow.

Stupid, stupid Blogger!

And then, after editing this post, I tried again, and bam, it published! I'm now pushing my luck, tryng to reply to all comments - which I have found is the cure against them being marked as spam.

14 kommentarer:

  1. Sometimes it is so frustrating to comment on some blogs that I just give up, which I consider a great loss to me as well as to the blogger. I do find that using a different browser can make a difference, but even that is frustrating - having to switch browsers, go back to the blog, and try to remember what I wanted to say in my comment. Sigh.

    1. You're right. Changing browsers sometimes help If only it was the same browser doing the trick, I could just use that one, but it seems like it's the changing doing it :)

  2. Sigh. It happens to me too. I have found that changing browsers temporarily fixes the issue but it is an irritation. Thank you for persevering.

    1. My answer to Jenny_O was meant for you as well. See update ;)

  3. Yep, it happens over and over and it's a pain in the neck!

  4. I usually just keep clicking publish until my comment is published, but sometimes I keep a copy then publish it the next day.

  5. I never knew there was a daily limit! That's crazy. I'm sorry you are having so much difficulty. If only things would work as they are supposed to work.

    1. Seriously, I do not think there is a daily limit, and if, it mut be many, not only 10 or 15 like the number of times I tried. It's a bug ;)
      Thins working as intended ... I come to more and more recognize this as a blessing when they do.

      Counting ... 11 times before I got the Daily quota full - message ;)

  6. Wait until tomorrow? Daily quota full? I have NEVER seen either of these.

    1. Crazy Blogger, I just tried 11 or maybe 12 times - like you said :D

  7. Replying to all comments doesn't eliminate them being labelled as spam. And sometimes my reply too. Sigh.

    1. I've had my own answers thrown into spam limbo, but never the vomment, I commented on, I'll have to keep an eye on Blogger.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.