mandag den 6. februar 2023

No Poetry Monday :: S.A.D

     Dagens stikord for Mandagsdigtet er Frossen yoghurt Det forekommer kun her i huset, hvis jeg kommer til at efterlade en liter yoghurt udenfor i frostvejr - jeg tror det er tre år siden, det skete sidst, og jeg kan ikke lige hitte ud af at digte om den hændelse.
     I stedet får I et billede af resultatet af mit sidste anfald af S.A.D - det er en engelsk vits S.A.D. er en forkortelse for Seasonal Affective Disorder - vinterdepression - men en kvik fyr har undersat det til Seed Aquisition Disorder - frø-indkøbssyndrom. Det skulle forkortes FIS på dansk, så det lader vi være med ;) Sidst, jeg skrev om det fik jeg det til KaUGoBF-syndrom.
     Pastinakkerne på billedet har lige den rette tone til Månedens farve: Signal-hvid.

Drawn by this guy 🌱 Tegnet af ham her

Frozen yoghurt ... this is only a thing that happens if I inadvertently leave a yoghurt outside on a cold day, that is to say almost never. I have no idea what to do with Frozen Yoghurt ... so instead a photo of my latest attack of S.A.D - Seed Aquisition Disorder.

The roots are by the way just the right colour for my Colour of the Month: Signal white.

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Next Monday we tackle: Random Acts of Kindness

10 kommentarer:

  1. Seeds fill me with excitement. I so understand that S.A.D.

  2. Lots of gray, gloomy days in a row get me sad, no matter if it's during the hot or cold weather. It's the simple lack of sunshine and blue sky.

    Since i can't grow things well, i do not get Seed Aquisition Disorder, but i can imagine anyone with a green thumb would simply love looking forward to getting back into the garden.

    1. Too right. I miss it! I can't grow anything either, but I dream! Big dreams! Every spring!

  3. That's a lot of seeds! I hope they all grow.

    1. I hope so too. My garden is always best in my mind just before spring.

  4. It is still too cold here to grow from seeds.

    God bless.

    1. It's time to sow chiliseeds indoor, and radishes outdoors, they can and do survive now and give nice, early radishes. Unless you live far North of me, that is, and I do not think you do.

  5. Hahahahaha! Now THAT'S a great dis-order to have! :)

    1. Periodically a bit expensive, else quite harmless and much fun.


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