torsdag den 2. februar 2023


Nu er den mega-regn-rekordfyldtde januar omsider bag os. I das skinner solen, og måske har jeg fundet løsningen på mit trøje der mangler garn-problem. Svaret er faktisk månedens farve :D Off white. Det kan godt være, at den let sære tilfældighedsgenerator, hvor jeg fandt farven, kalder farven for signallhvid - eller også har skilte den farve på engelsk ... hvad ved jeg.
Now finally rain record filled January lies behind us. The sun is shining and possibly, maybe, perhaps I found the solution to my "not enough yarn" sweater. The colour of the month, even.

I do not know if signals in English have this not quite white colour, but it fits the colour of the yarn, I found for my sweater.

Næsten færdig med et ærme. Det bliver så bare trævlet op, for selv om jeg har fulgt opskriften og strikkefastheden er den samme, er ærmet meget tætsiddende, og det kan jeg ikke lide. Så jeg samler et par ekstra masker op og snupper et halvt nummer større pinde. Det betyder så nok også, at jeg kommer til at bruge en smule mere af det hvide ... men den farve udgår nok ikke foreløbigt.
     Jeg er bare ikke helt sikker på at den hvide farve er den rigtige. Dels er det ærligt talt lidt baby-agtigt, dels er hvid en sart farve. Det kan være, jeg lægger vejen inden om den lokale garnpusher på vej hjem, medbringende noget blåt garn.
     Men striberne forbliver sådan her, måske forlænget opadtil og sådan lidt mere Fibonacci-agtige. Lad os se.

-- 🧶 --

First sleeve almost done, and ready for frogging. Even though I followed the pattern and the stitches/cm is the same, this sleeve is a tight fit. And I do not like tight. I'll be picking up a couple of stitches more, and use knitting pins half a mm thicker. This might mean that I'll need an extra ball of white yarn. But I don't think this colour will be discontinued soon.

My only misgivings are that it looks a bit baby-ish, and that the colour is prone to get dirty. I might just visit my local yarn shop, bringing some of the blue yarn and looking for a better fit.

The stripes will stay, they might have to start earlier, and may turn out a bit more Fibonacci-like.  I tried, but could not pull it off first time around.

Strikkepindene -- The needles at work. 

Og læg mærke til strikkepindene. Kan man næsten andet end at blive glad af at se på dem? Det er min julegave. Et sæt strømpepinde af denne her slags i størrelserne 2½ - 6½. Nu skal der strikkes!

-- 🧶 --

And please look at the knitting needles. Don't they make you smile? Those colours ... I love them. I was given a set of DPNs in all sizes from 2½ to 6½ cm. as a Christmas present. Ain't I a lucky one? Knitting will happen.

12 kommentarer:

  1. I love those needles :) That white is what I would call a light cream shade.

    1. It's more whitish grey - like the colour of the month swatch - in real life and sunlight, colours are tough to get right in photos. Those needles are happiness-inducing.

  2. Rain just stared big here. Better than snow.
    True, it looks a bit baby-ish, awww, sweet.
    Great needles, oh, it´s... over 30 years that I knitted... time runs.

    1. Babyish- yea, you can keep the rain, I want snow! or sunshine, no more rain now. We just had a month of the most rain ever measured in Denmark. Those needles are just great, and fast too - I laughed at the idea that some needles were faster - I shut up now. They so are!
      You have to take up knitting again. I did ;)

  3. Jeg kan godt lide ideen med striberne,men kan godt forstå,hvis du ender med at vælge en anden farve.
    Skøn julegave, strikkepindene er rigtig flotte.

    1. Tak for støtten, og jeps, herlige strikkepinde!

  4. Those needles are gorgeous. I am a grub, and white (or pale) clothing gets splattered all too quickly.

    1. I found another colour, as the same happens to me ;)

  5. The needles look like fabulous ones, and i'm glad you are finding ways to make your sweater anyway, no matter which colors you use.

    1. The needles make me smile when I look at them. Happy knitting can't be bad. Thank you, I'm still thinking while knitting the other sleeve, there must be a way ...

  6. I am in awe of people who can knit. Whenever I've tried, my tension gets tighter and tighter until you can't even force the needles in. Sigh.

    1. I would recommend these needles, they are like greased lightening. I knit very tight as well, but uniformly so ever tighter sounds counter-productive. .


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