tirsdag den 28. februar 2023

Månedens farve -- MARTS -- Colour of the Month

Månedens farve for marts 2023 er --  The colour of the month for March 2023 is

Jeg havde også bøvl med denne her. Månedens navn er skrevet med månedens farve - og alle de andre 11 passede RGBkoden. Sådan at bogstaverne blev den rette farve, hvis jeg valgte dem. Men efter at have skrevet koden om tre gange - tror man ikke aldid at man selv gør noget forkert, når det ikke passer? fandt jeg ColorPix frem. Det er et lille program, der napper farver fra skærmen og giver mig en kode. Så passede det. Sjovt nok er HEXkoden rigtig.

I also had some trouble with this colour. The month's name is written in the same colour as the square, but this time, when I put in the RGB code, I did not get the rigth colour. I tried a couple fo times more, suspecting an error on my part, but nu the codes were wrong. I then opened ColourPix which is a mini-program picking colours from the screen and gives me a code. It worked. The HEX code was right all the time.

6 kommentarer:

  1. I will certainly try to find at least one thing with this color to photograph this month, and use it on Words for Wednesdays if i can.

  2. It's almost an orange, or certainly closer to orange than pink or red which is what salmon is usually called. I've called it salmon pink on my blog.

    1. Thanks - English colour names can make my hair turn grey. I just called it what the randomizer said. In Danish colour names are like what men use in English jokes and memes. This one is orange, maybe a pinkish orange. Finito!

  3. I need this ColourPix program. Thanks for the rec.


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