onsdag den 1. februar 2023

Onsdagsord ~ 1 februar ~ Words for Wednesday

I februar er ordene til onsdagsord at finde hos Lissa. Og til onsdag 1. februar har vi fået disse 7 ord:
Missing - Savne/mangle
Pillow - Pude
Rattle - Rangle/raslen/skræmme
Flight - Fly/flugt
Beginning - Begyndelse
Shabby - Nedslidt/ussel
Time - Tid/klokken

Og så må jeg da indrømme, at lukningen af Irma ikke rigtig lader mig tænke på andet, jeg har ikke lyst til at skrive om Enhjørningegården, eller Italien, eller Island eller Birkegården, eller nogle af alle de andre steder, hvor min Susan plejer at slå sine folder ... så:

Vi kommer til at savne nogle ting, når den supermarkedskæde lukker ned. Deres forsikring om, at nogle af tingene vil blive solgt i den restrukturerede kæde, er blot en sovepude for deres samvittighed, søde ord for at lokke os ind og købe deres billige ting.
Alle deres forsikringer skræmmer mig. Deres fantasifulde ords flugt skjuler deres hule indre. Og jeg har en mistanke om, at det kun er en begyndelse på den forarmelse, der ender med at vore dagligvarebutikker alle sammen er usle discountbutikker. Kun tiden vil vise det, men jeg er dybt pessimistisk.

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All Wednesdays in February the
Words for Wednesday are supplied by Lissa. For February 1, we've been given these 7 words:

And I am rattled by the closing down of the only real quality supermarket-chain in Denmark. I am not in the mood for writing about Susan at Unicorn Farm, or in Italy, or  Iceland, or Birch Manor or indeed anywhere at all, so:

We will be missing stuff when that supermarket closes down. Their assurance that some of the things will be sold in the re-mastered chain is just a pillow to ease their conscience and make us go there and buy their cheap stuff. All their insurances rattle me. Their fanciful flight of words hides their hollow insides. And I suspect this is only the beginning of the impoverishment of our shops, ending up with them being shabby discount places one and all. Only time will tell, but I am deeply pessimistic.

8 kommentarer:

  1. While you used the words well I am sorry to read this. I totally understand your sadness, fear (and perhaps a little anger). A query: is concinece conscience? If so, I don't think that many big companies have one.

    1. Thank you for cathing my typos. Conscience. The supremarket now being closed had one. They stopped selling eggs from hens kept without dayligth, they began selling organic produce, they stopped selling non-organic banans, carrots and potatoes, they stopped having prices ending in .95 (except for things after weight). they discontinued fabric softeners, and introduces washing powder for cold wash and much much more. They were then bought by a biigger chain, who emulated much of this, but also "blurred" the profile of the small chain. Once more they tried closing it down - but we all protested so much that they gave up the idea. Now they are closing the old chain (136 years) and ´mostly opening awful discount shops in the old stores.

    2. Equal parts anger and sadness, not so much fear, I will survive, even if it weíll be even more complicated than it has been for the last 4 years - when the now closing chain closed in my vicinity.

  2. It's a sad and sorry state of affairs.

    1. Yes. People are fighting, but I fear nothing comes off it. It is sad indeed.

  3. it is sad to say goodbye to a well loved store that sells good products. The same is happening everywhere, all in the name of profits I fear. the bank accounts is more important than the customer.

    1. True words everywhere it seems. What happened to the customer is always right?

    2. Denne kommentar er fjernet af forfatteren.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.