torsdag den 16. februar 2023

Words for Wednesday ~ 15. Februar

Lissa is giving us the Words this Wednesday this week as well. Here they are:

1 - love
2 - happiness
3 - chocolate
4 - single
5 - dinner
6 - hate
7 - sadness
8 - lemon
9 - attached/double (can use either or both)
10 - breakfast

I just can't help myself. This is what's topmost in my mind. All the time. It's a disgrace and a disaster.

Love and happiness are far from my mind when I go shopping. I look at the chocolate, I caress the lemons, I look on the heaped apples, pears and plums still with their leaves attached. And I ponder with sadness. Where will I buy that perfect yoghurt for our breakfast, this chili cheese or the meat I know to be tasty, organic, and local for dinner?

I can not find one single reason to close down this shop. But I suppose that hate of competition, or of anything being superior - a very human trait - won out in the end.

8 kommentarer:

  1. Reluctant to change maybe? I do find when large companies replacing small businesses a bit hard to accept but we have to go with the times, I guess.

    Have a lovely day

    1. I do't want to go with the times when this means low quality, no organic goods and minimum (self)service.

  2. I wish something could be done.

    1. We're trying ... different groups are trying to take over the shops, we go on the streeets with banners and cancel our membership in the supermarket chain, which is a co-op.

  3. All you can do is shop there as much as you can until it is gone, then you have memories at least. Perhaps the new shop will have some of the same items still?

    1. They say they will ... some items, but they will slowly become more expensive (they already have some, and they are more expensive), hidden away and then discontinued, I suspect. And some will be discontinued immediately - among those some I buy regularly, and can't get anywhere else - I asked the producers. So I'm fairly pissed. Sorry.

  4. It's a loss and I understand your grief. Some say it's only a "thing" but when things underpin our quality of life and we lose them, it's an actual heartfelt loss. I wish it was different, my friend.

    1. Thank you for understanding. Making peoples life smaller and more miserly is a loss. Thanks again <3


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