onsdag den 29. december 2021

Words for Wednesday -- Á Íslandi 5 -- Updated

  Oops, I am sorry, I inadvertently pressed Enter when the guests arrived yesterday ;)
  Now typos are corrected, prompts and labels added, and so on.

Please! all reading this go to Elephant's Child's place to find the prompts, read some good stories, and be inspired to write your own.
  This is a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true, therefore: Please, remember to go back, read other peoples' stories there or follow their links back. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction.

 For the last time this year, Elephnt's Child is serving the prompts. Six words and a photo. I continued the story of Susan and Knud going to Iceland. It's still a bit 'drafty' and as is my wont just stops where I ran out of steam, but as there's more story inside my head -- and I still have not used the photo, I promise to continue given half a chance in the coming days.


Some days later Rósa, Finnbogi, Susan ans Knud met at a parking place near a lookout over the lava fields in the middle of nowhere. It was a beautiful day and Susan and Knud had enjoyed the ride there. After parking the car, they decided on stretching their legs as they were a bit early. An elusive smell hung in the air, not quite sulphur, not quite ozone, but a chemical, not unpleasant smell. New to their noses.
Rósa and Finnbogi arrived in Rosa's car, at least she was the driver. Susan and Knud got into the car. They drove on in silence, deep into the lava fields, that looked like solidified black rivers. After a while Rósa stopped the car and bade them get out. The silence was total, and the air was thin.
"Susan," Finnbogi said, speaking in a voice not much more than a whisper."Could you please use the person-detecting spell? I want to be absolutely sure we're not followed, and the teleportation spells later on will tax my magic endurance to its limits."
Susan nodded and drew her wand. "Nobody, not a living thing is near us," she said in a subdued voice. "It is as if we were all alone in the world."
"That's good!" Finnbogi said "I looked at the people on the museum and I did not like what I saw. Some of them are a bit aware of their magic, and two of them had a distinct evil tinge."
"I have a suspicion," Susan said, now a bit louder. "I have no reason to doubt that you well remember Tristan and his plans." Rósa and Finnbogi nodded. "We have found that he was not the mastermind behind the magical takeover, his sister was. And she was not at the ill-fated party, and she died some years later, and she had a child, a daughter. We, or at least I suspect that she was the one stealing the wand and what else was stolen. I think she had help - maybe from your colleagues."
"But why?" Rósa asked.
"Revenge," Susan said. Torben's sister worked with great determination on the subversion of the society. She wanted the magic segment to rule. When we stopped Torben and Tristan from taking over Denmark - and drove them to semi-madness, I'm afraid to admit, she saw it all. She knew who was behind it all. She was determined to ruin our lives, but she died from some disease, but not before giving her lust for power and revenge to her daughter."
"Why did Eileen not just use her mother's wand?" Finnbogi asked.
Susan and Knud looked at him, "Yes why not?"
Rósa spoke: "I know. Thora told me, us?" She looked questioningly at Susan "that wands are personal. You can use another person's wand, as you did at my office, Susan, for simple spells or for a short time. Longer use will kind of wear out the wand, make it unreliable, accident prone. She probably was in need of a new one."
"Accident prone!" Susan said, her voice shrill with fear. "That lady on the plane, she was extraordinarily unlucky.
She could be Terese's daughter returning for yet another wand, and maybe to find you two!"

"She spoke Norwegian." Knud said, and at that time I had a feeling I had heard the voice earlier. Now I know .. Hilde's youngest son's wife. That's her!"

4 kommentarer:

  1. Oh my. Oh my, oh my, oh my. The tension and the fear in this installment are palpable...

  2. I like this very much and will be waiting for the next chapter.

  3. You, knowing the story, know whether or not they stop her in time. Meanwhile, i'm on the edge of my seat.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.