tirsdag den 21. december 2021

I dag -- Today

I dag er det årets korteste dag ... eller den længste nat om man vil. Solen står op klokken 8.41 og går ned igen 15.37. Dermed er dagen hele 6 timer og 56 minutter lang og vi har mistet 10 timer og 43 minutter siden vi havde den længste dag.
I dag er Ugleungerne til virtuel juleafslutning.
I dag bliver det måske snevejr.

-- 📆 --

Today is the shortest day .. or the longest night if you prefer it that way. The sun raises at 8:41 and sets again at 3:51 pm. We have all of 6 hours and 56 minutes of - mostly murky - daylight. At midsummer we had 19 and 3/4 hours more daylight. It is a bit scary.
Today the Owlets have their last - digital - school day before Christmas holidays begin.
Today we might have snow.

I dag er jeg nået så langt med kaleidoskop-kuglen
Today I made it this far with the kaleidoscopic bauble
Næsten færdig -- Almost there

5 kommentarer:

  1. It is our longest day here.
    I hope that the Owlets and you love their holidays - and that you have a blessed Christmas.
    Love the progress you have made with your kaleidoscope.
    When you get a chance, please stop by my Sunday Selections post - I thought of you when I put it up.

    1. The size and variability oig this planet never stops to amaze me.
      We will enjoy our christmas holidays, thank you.
      On my way over! I've been busy, but I stole a small window of time in front of the computer now ;)

  2. We don't have a day quite that short here, but it's much shorter than i like anyway. It was mostly cloudy, too. More light will be most welcome.

    Hooray for a school break! Merry Christmas!

  3. The crafty teabag ball is looking good so far.

  4. "dad"? that should be "far"


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.