søndag den 5. december 2021

Sunday Selections :: Winter Edition

  The Birch trees have long since turned yellow, but this one won't drop its golden leaves.

  Birds in a field on my way home. They were very loud. Sorry for the not so stellar quality, zoom on an overcast winter's day makes for fuzzy pictures.

  It's geese on their way south.

  Some still are pulling themselves together on the ground. I think the snow will help them make up their minds.

  More geese on the wings. I'll keep an eye on them to see, when they leave.

  PE and a snow covered fountain. It prettifies it a bit.  
  These photo fits with Life in Colour, as Novembers colour was black or grey and Decembers is yet to be revealed, but maybe it's in here somewhere? I go for Violet as Jude promised it would make an appearance later on here.

  At least one of these small sweaters fills the bill. This display is a permanent feature showing part of what we do in our local weaver's guild.

8 kommentarer:

  1. Verry nice selections!

    About my anemia, yes, i eat lots of leafy greens, but that doesn't seem to be doing the trick, so the doctor told me to take the supplement. It may be that when i donate blood, just the greens and other iron rich foods are not enough, since i tend toward thalassemia. That's why i only donate once a year, also, it takes me several weeks of loading up on iron-rich foods so i am not anemic when i donate!

    1. Thalassemia was a new one to me, it's very uncommon here. I hope the supplements will quickly bring you back to normal.

  2. Be-yoot-iful Selections. Thank you.

  3. I love seeing snow capped things and birds on the wing. The tiny sweaters arrangement is nice too.

  4. Well it might not be violet, but your jumpers fit the bill for December! A kaleidoscope of colours! And the greys are perfect for November too. Thanks for the link Charlotte!

  5. No, I did not guess it. Thanks for your comment, and thanks for hosting.


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