søndag den 12. december 2021

Sunday Selection -- Snow and Colours

We had snow:
A bit like Narnia; don't you think?

And those three ice cold beings came visiting - they have already left again.

Inspired by HeyJude at Life in Colour, I found my kaleidoscope.

And a bunch of multicoloured tea bags for folding baubles.

3 kommentarer:

  1. My first actual kaleidoscope! Haven't seen one of these since my children were young.

  2. Lovely selections! Yes, the first one is a bit like Narnia during the 100-year winter.

  3. Snow!!! It is warming up here. Fast. Very soon now I will be looking at photos from your side of the world for relief.
    I do love my kaleidescope, and often play with it.
    Another great selections - and I look forward to seeing what you make from these tea bags.


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