tirsdag den 14. december 2021

Tirsdagstæsk :: Køreplaner

Tuesday Thumping :: Time Tables

   I søndags fik vi nye køreplaner.
    Der er bare et lille men ... De er der ikke endnu:
   Det her er den besked, man får, hvis man vil skrive for eksempel S-togenens køreplaner ud, skærmbillede fra i dag, tirsdag den 14. på DSBs hjemmeside. *
   De siger så, at ændringerne på S-togene er få og små sammenlignet med den gamle køreplan - som de naturligvis har fjernet, da den ikke gælder længere!

* Lokaltogenes og bussernes køreplaner har ligget der en god uges tid eller mere ...  bare til sammenligning.

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  Sunday 12 December we had new time tables. This happens regularly the second Sunday of December. The only thing I do not understand is, that it always comes as a big surprise for those making the time tables for us to use:
  The screenshot tells me - and whomever else goes to the page where the time tables are to be found - that you can have the time tables for ordinary trains in the three parts of Denmark. The metro, S-trains and fast trains / expresses and international trains,... no, they are still being worked on as of today Tuesday 14. I sure hope it's only us not being given the time tables Else I'm afraid chaos will soon follow.
     When asked, they tell that the changes are few and small compared to the old plans - which of course were taken down Sunday, when they weren't the current time tables any more. Sigh.
   Just to put this in perspective, the time tables for all buses and local trains have been accessible on the relevant home pages for almost two weeks in advance.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Sigh.
    Since the pandemic began we have been running to an 'interim' timetable - which means that that buses (and trams) run when it suits. Them, not us.

    1. That sounds even worse. We only have to wear face masks, train and buses follow their normal schedules. Let's hope this will soon end!

  2. All i know about our buses is that if i had to use them, i'd be in trouble. All the stops are very far from places i work, i'd be walking miles each day.

    1. Hehe, I see, you need a car - more so for working in several different places. When we bought the house we still live in, we had no car, So we consulted the time tables for buses and trains prior to buying :D Again now we have no car, so we're haoppy that we did this work then.

  3. When we have timetable changes they always say the changes are minor and will greatly benefit the public. Hah! The changes may be minor, but it usually results in not being able to get off one bus and be in time for the next one a couple of stops away, so there is a lot of in between waiting.

    1. Exactly what's always happening here. Seems like bus and train companies are the same all over. Sigh.


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