onsdag den 30. december 2020

WfW 30.12

   For the last time in 2020 it's Wednesday. Elephant's Child has provided the prompts, also the last time. Next Wednesday is the first of January 2021, and I'll provide the prompts. They'll appear here Tuesday at noon my time, (Greenwich +1) when that is in Australia, Canada and the USA I'll let you figure out.
  For today EC has given us:


and this wonderful photo:

  The words begged to be turned into a verse, and I obliged. I have not made any New Years resolutions, but Christmas holiday resolutions, you might call them, or December-resolutions, as I began weaving then in my tired brain as morning got so short that we arose by lamplight in the beginning of December.

For reasons ever more diverse.
I have decided to rehearse,
The signs of ageing to reverse
And to embrace the universe
And not be visiting a nurse.
To study Japanese and verse.
You see my matters are not terse.
A morning new is every day
I want to fight and not to stay
In shadows, murk and grey.
If I have anything to say,
I now stake out a brighter way
I see the light - at least a ray!

6 kommentarer:

  1. I am so very pleased that this prompt and photo spoke to you. And that you heeded its siren call. I love your poem and hope to keep learning my whole life through. Sadly I am not as disciplined as you are, and learn a little bit here, and a little bit there. I have MORE than enough learning to do to keep me busy until the day I die - when I will not have finished.
    Huge thanks for agreeing to provide January's prompts. I am really, really looking forward to them.

    1. I am more like you than it seems from my blog. I go nipping here, tasting there, always on the lookout for something new. And not very disciplined at all! A month ago I renewed my subscription for a Japanese language course after a hiatus of almost a year and being a student since 2017, I went from level 7 to level 4 to be able to tag along.
      As you I'm going to leave loads of learning behind and imagine Heaven as a mix between a wonderful school and an old fashioned library with fireplaces, ladders etc.

  2. The "Japanese verse"
    make answer me by haiku:
    Fine poem. Kudos!

    1. Thank you. As I love Japanese things, among those haiku, you could not have paid me a greater compliment.


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