onsdag den 23. december 2020

WfW - 23.12

Today is the day before Christmas Eve - where we celebrate in Denmark. We're far too impatient to wait for Christmas morning - But it is also Wednesday, and Elephant's Child has given us two times six words and a bonus. I cite her:
This week's prompts are:


And another (as always optional addition). In memory of Jo Wake, I would love it if you could include the word dragon in your stories.

As I too am a dragon lover I'd like to do this. I liked Jo's stories of  the dragon and his witch. I regret that she never got to the ending of it. And this made me think of the mini-series Here There be Dragons, that I wrote in April and Jo's encouraging words upon reading it. I want to take up the thread from that story.

The bells in the small belfry on top of the Unicorn Farm could faintly be heard tolling three times as Susan, Heidi, Lis, Tage and their parents Sandra and Kai arrived at the small bay.
"I feel like I've been here before," Sandra said all of a sudden.
"So do I," Heidi said. "But it feels blurry, remote, like a half forgotten dream."
Her sister smiled, "I feel the same way."
"Well," Tage said. "The only thing I feel, is hungry. How about spreading out our stuff here. This place looks nice enough for our lunch al fresco."
Susan smiled. You were never bored in the company of Heidi and her family.
After the ample and tasty lunch they just sat or lay in the grass enjoying the warmth of the sun, and the beauty of the scenery. Susan was nodding over her book, when Kai looked up: "Don't move!" he said softly. "We have a visitor!"
"Good day, tiny mortals!" the dragon said. It's voice was deep and melodious, like a giant silver bell. "You have returned."
"Returned?" Tage said.
"Sorry, what!" Kai added. "As far as I remember, I was never here before."
"Your wife and daughters seem to disagree," the dragon said.
Meanwhile Susan was admiring the dragon. Its belly was midnight blue, and its wings were shimmering  in all the colours of the rainbow. She had never seen anything as beautiful.
"Puny mortals," the dragon said. "You are trespassing once again on  our premises. But this time you will not be roared into oblivion."
A memory emerged and unfolded inside Susan's mind. She saw this beautiful dragon aloft, soaring over a sand-coloured mate, nesting around some eggs. Somewhere near here, maybe. .. It was still dream like, but becoming more and more focused each second.
"Today," the dragon continued, "we hold a celebration in honour of the birth of our offspring."
The eggs had hatched, maybe today or the day before, Susan realized. She felt happy. Fulfilled.
"Today is an auspicious day. You are invited, no  called to witness the naming of our offspring. Follow me."
As spellbound the five humans followed the wonderful dragon down to the rivulet, over it and into a clearing on the other side of it. There the lady dragon sat, her colouring now resembled that of her mate, only a lighter blue hue on belly and wing undersides. She was bigger by at least a handspan, and her head shot up at the noise of their arrival. In front of her sat five perfect miniature dragons, each not bigger than a big dog.
Kai bowed deeply, and the rest of them did their very best to salute the dragons in the same way.
"Your majesty," Kai said, getting up from the bow. "We are very pleased to be here on this propitious day. We bring with us nothing to give you but our hope for an fair future for all of us, and we feel ashamed for our emptyhandedness.
"Your words are as sincere as your hearts, I see" the lady dragon spoke. Her voice too was deep and melodious. The tiny dragonets at her feet all looked at the five humans.
Their mother spoke to them in a high pitched, chirping language. Beautiful, but very strange.  Even though they could not understand Dragon, the meaning was clear. She warned the tiny dragons against people.
"And now to the naming." The lady dragon said. "It is very simple, really. You just repeat the names as I say them."
She gently picked up the tiniest dragonet: "By stone and fire, by earth and water. Be known to the world as Shayla!"
"Shayla!" repeated the five humans along with the male dragon. Then the female dragon put the dragonet down, and picked up the next one: "By water and earth, by fire and  stone. Be known to the world as Mathys!"
"Mathys!" They said in unison.
And again a new dragonet was raised to the sky: "By water and earth, by fire and  stone. Be known to the world as Tarquil!"
"Tarquil!" they echoed.
The next to last dragonet was encased in her mothers claws and raised to the skies: "By stone and fire, by earth and water. Be known to the world as Tatsu!"
"Tatsu!" They all repeated, Susan recognized the word from Kensuke's Japanese books, something to do with water, she thought.
And as the last dragonet was enclosed in the motherly claws it raise its tiny head and roared. A tiny, defiant sound.
The dragons raised their heads a bit more, Susan would have said thy smiled.
"We've better get this one named," the female dragon said. "By water and earth, by fire and  stone. Be known to the world as Alcalador!"
"Alcalador!" they repeated.

6 kommentarer:

  1. I always imagine a dragon herding clouds to this dry state --a dream that often comes true lately. Your blog is delightful. Following on GFC.

    1. A dragon herding clouds - I like the thought. If I ever finish this dragon tale I might use the idea.

  2. Thank you so much for this - and the naming of that feisty dragon for Jo's dragon brought tears to my eyes.

    1. I think that if even I, who knew her only so little and so late, miss her. then your loss must be big!

  3. I read all the other parts before this all in a row. I really like how you describes the dragons.

    For this part, I thought the dragon is going to do something bad to them but it's nice surprise he didn't.

    Have a lovely 2021.

    1. Thank you. I like dragons very much and think that they have fallen into bad standing.
      And thanks - this is just the reaction, I tried to create :D


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