onsdag den 30. december 2020

The Prompts for Words for Wednesday 2021

  Of course there will be Words for Wednesday in 2021 as well.
  Elephant's Child has been doing a great work trying to get as many as possible to supply us with prompts for one month.
  Here's the list as it looks now. A compact version has already appeared some days ago in my left sidebar.

--  WfW  --  WfW  --  WfW  --

January: MotherOwl (me) will provide the prompts on my blog.. They'll appear here.

February: Alex J. Cavanaugh will provide the prompts. They will appear at Elephant's Child's blog.

March: Hilary Melton-Butcher will provide the prompts. They will appear at Elephant's Child's blog.

April: WiseWebWoman will provide the prompts on her blog.

May: MessyMimi will provide the prompts on her blog.

June: River will provide the prompts on her blog.

July: Lissa will provide the prompts on her blog.

August: David M. Gascoigne will provide the prompts. They will appear at Elephant's Child's blog.

September: Cindi will provide the prompts on her blog.

October: Elephant's Child will provide the prompts on her blog.

November: Margaret Adamson and her friends will provide the prompts. They will appear at Elephant's Child's blog.

December: Elephant's Child will provide the prompts on her blog.

Thanks to all, providers of prompts, participants and readers alike. And I want to repeat the words of  Elephant's Child:
This meme definitely falls into the 'more the merrier' category. I hope that lots of you will visit whoever is providing the prompts and play - or applaud. Commenting on other people's creations - whether they post them on the host's blog or their own, is hugely important. We ALL need encouragement. So please, take a few extra minutes to comment on the participant's creations.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Thank you. And huge thanks to everyone who responded to my pleas. I am glad to say that for the last Words for Wednesday for the year almost everyone has commented widely. Which I love.

    1. Yse I saw this, and I too hope that everybody will continue to play along. As you say, the more, the merrier!


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.