torsdag den 10. december 2020

Cirkelstrik. Løsningen -- Circular Knitting. The Solution

     Ja, jeg ved det godt. Jeg lovede et billede af den færdige frugt for en uge siden. Eller i sidste måned, faktisk.

Yes ... I know ... I promised the solution to this photo tomorrow ... over a week ago; well last month actually.

Her er det første billede en gang til  -- ---  Here's the photo once again.

Og her er så den færdige frugt -- -- And here's the finished fruit.
Er der nu nogen, der har et gæt? -- -- Does anyone care to guess now?

7 kommentarer:

  1. LOVE your slice of watermelon - with the seeds removed.

    1. Yes it's a watermelon, but cut along the equator not pole to pole as you normally see it. The seeds are much less pronounced, and the 4 or 8 symmetry much more visible.

  2. Watermelon, one of my favorites!

  3. Did you knit the body (garter stitch) and add a crochet border?

    1. Exactly. I cast on 25 stitches, knit short rows in two colours, sewed together and crocheted the rim.

  4. Very tasty indeed. Merry Christmas.

    God bless.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.