mandag den 14. december 2020

Poetry Monday :: Gingerbread Houses

   Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings and Diane of On the Border are taking turns supplying us with a topic for this weekly endeavour. They also both write wonderful, funny, thought-provoking, ingenious or  honestly well written verse. Go and read.
  Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey is taking a break due to her husband's health issue. Let's continue to send warm thoughts, good energy, and lots of prayers their way as her latest update
unfortunately does not bring good news.
  I have something more to ask of you: If you read this and the poetry of others, would you please leave a comment. Half - if not more - the fun of these challenges is receiving the responses of others.

   Our gingerbread houses are made by Marsupilami. He's our resident baker. And store bought pieces for the house or home made, he's the one making it.
  Two different metres inside the same verse ... well, well, well. It's almost Christmas after all.

Whenever it's time for gingerbread
We have our own house maker
Come Christmas day or Summer time,
He always is the Baker.

He builds a house of gingerbread,
He places candy, white and red,
He plays with candy canes,
And follow all his plans

When it is time to eat it all,
We eat the house from floor to wall
From doors to roof and shutter,
And words of praise we utter.

Next Mondays topic is: The Winter Solstice

7 kommentarer:

  1. I would happily admire the baker's work but would leave others to eat it. I have never warmed to gingerbread. Sacrilege I know.

    1. Those hard ginerbread types can be good, but the soft variety - with aprocot jam, some white stuff and dark chocolate "icing" are so good. I bemoan that the American influence have mave them Christmas only. As a young one I ate them ever so often, and went for a bike ride to have the very best ones in a bakery quite far from home.

  2. The whole house eaten from wall to wall and from floor to roof - he must be an excellent baker! In Britain gingerbread houses are seen in the more upmarket grocery stores and at the Christmas Markets, but alas are outshone by our preferences for our own heavy fruit cakes laced with brandy or rum, and Stollen and Panettone from Europe.

    1. Stollen and Panettone are favourite of ours as well. But he is a good baker - better than me. When following the sane recipes, his cakes turns out better than mine. Mince meat pies we never tried. Maybe it's time to persuade him to make one.

  3. How wonderful to have a baker who does gingerbread in your own home! Yes, i wish gingerbread was not only pulled out at Christmas.

  4. Perfect! We, too devour every bit. Of course, our bits are usually a bit more random... ;)

  5. Love your poems, you are so clever with words. Rarely comment but I'm glad you are back and writing poems and showing your knitting adventures. I always enjoy hearing about what's going on in your life.


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