torsdag den 31. december 2020


Daffycat is back! YAY I'm so going to post here and comment on her blog each New Moon!!!

I would like to give a link to Daffycat's original post on WHAT IS TUSAL when she took up the challenge.  Here below is a re-worked description:

TUSAL means Totally Useless Stitch-A-Long. The idea is to save all our ORTs and show them off every time the Moon is new.

What are ORTs?
  ORT or ort ~ Capitalized, it stands for Old Ratty Threads. These are the cast-off thread ends a needleworker, knitter, crocheter and other with yarny endeavours cut away. These ends are sometimes saved in clear jars as a decorative object.
  The word, "ort" does appear in the dictionary, meaning: a bit of something left over; usually concerning food.

Why would you save your ORTs and why on earth post a picture on your blog?
   Just for fun!  If you would like to join this Totally Useless Stitch-A-Long, please go to Daffycat's blog. We also still have the TUSAL Facebook group.

How and what to post?
  1. Get a glass jar or other container and save your thread clippings. You may also include fabric trimmings, thread bands, empty spools, broken needles (take care), or any other cast-offs gathered along the way.
  2. You may continue filling this jar throughout the year OR you may empty the jar and start over each month ~ no firm rules here!
  3. On (or about) each New Moon take a picture of the ORTs in your jar and post it to your blog and/or the Facebook Page. This is a blog/Facebook game so YES, you MUST have either a blog or be on Facebook to participate.
  4. You can use your current ORT jar or jars. This is not a contest! There's no prize, it's just for fun.
  5. You should post a picture each New Moon, even if there has been no "progress" to show. We are aiming for "once a month" here ... no whippings for being late, early or absent!
  6. When you have posted the picture of your ORTs visit my blog and comment on my ORT report for that month's TUSAL.

When to post?
  We follow the Lunar Cycle so every year these dates change! Some years they are very evenly spaced, one New Moon each month and some years have 2 New Moons one month and skip a calendar month altogether!
  2021 is a nice year. One new Moon to each month.
The New Moon dates for 2021 are:
January 13
February 11
March 13
April 12
May 11
June 10
July 10
August 8
September 7
October 6
November 4
December 4

5 kommentarer:

  1. I may only save strings and thread that are pulled from my vacuum cleaner weekly. It is amazing what a glob of them are there. My hometown is TULSA, Oklahoma, USA so I got confused with your title today. Happy New Year!

  2. I look forward to seeing them. It is a wonderful thing to know that despite difficulties (and there are and will be those) creativity continues.

  3. Hooray for you, keeping it going! If i sew anything or stitch anything, i will save it and play along, but first i will have to find my sewing needle!

  4. I’m hoping to resurrect my blog in 2021 and I would love to post my TUSAL there again!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.