onsdag den 22. april 2020

WfW - Here there be Dragons III

  The Words for Wednesday are delivered by Elephant's Child all during April. 
  I'm still spinning out the "Here there be Dragons" from the first and third Wednesday, and hope that EC's words will bring the story to its conclusion next Wednesday.
  The words are:


And in addition two photos of a beautiful old locomotive , which I unfortunately can't find any use for.

They flew on, over the water until they reached the next island. "This island is part of the reservation, Sandra said. I'm not sure we're allowed to go there. But as the island was fairly big, overgrown with gnarled trees and flowers, they landed on a small clearing anyway.
Kai told that there had to be a map of the bird reserve down by the pier on the beach, and went to look, flying carefully between the trees and bushes.
Sandra and the children put away their brooms and waited.

Kai returned and drew a map of the island on the ground. Two small rivers crossed the island and natural forests covered almost all of it. In the middle of the island the two rivers came close and flowed away from one another again, leaving a small island of raised cliffs in the middle.
"Mark my words," Kai said "The dragon is sleeping between the two small rivers."
They had to follow the first river almost down to the beach to cross it, and as they looked out from the forest's edge in preparation to crossing the river, they saw a boat filled with people in sweaters and armed.
 Kai got upset and gave vent to his anger: "It's not a game for human hunters even of the cruel kind. I do not want these nincompoops to shoot at my dragon. He drew his wand and spoke again: "I just want justice, I want to show you five my dragon, not the whole world, and especially not those people with their big gun."
He was about to cast a spell when Susan stopped him: "Hold it, she said. They are not hunters they are ornithologists. Bird watchers," she added, seeing Heidi's blank expression. "My aunt told us about them the very first day we were here. If you look closely, you can see, that the gun is not a gun, but a humongous looking glass, like the ones from old pirate movies."
"By golly, You're right. Let's just stay here until they sail on." Kai said, letting his wand arm sink slowly. 

Part 4.

3 kommentarer:

  1. I love that Kai is prepared to protect 'his' dragon - and love even more that the hunters don't have death and destruction as their aim.

  2. Let's hope the bird watchers don't spot the dragon by accident, that would be a disaster in the making.

  3. Good thing she noticed it was a spyglass! Those bird watchers would have been in big trouble.


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