fredag den 17. april 2020

Haiku Day

  Today is the International Haiku Day, the Australian Haiku Society is celebrating International Haiku Poetry Day by holding a String on the theme of ‘Solitude’. "By sharing our haiku we can connect with each other, even in these days of social distancing, self-isolation and working and studying from home," they say on their home page - link provided me by the Danish Haiku Group.

  I am afraid I cannot be pessimistic for long even though time and subject call for it. 
  Here are my haiku and a Danish rewording: 

Flowers are blooming
Gardening things calling
I must stay inside.

Through my big window,
I greet my neighbours and smile,
We share a cuppa.

Teddies everywhere
for children to seek and find
Bear necessity.

   --  はいく  -- 

Blomsterne spirer
Haveredskaber kalder,
jeg bliver inde.

Gennem vinduet
ser jeg mine naboer,
Vi løfter koppen.

Bamser overalt
Børn, der leder og finder
Ét er nødvendigt.

2 kommentarer:

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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.