onsdag den 8. april 2020

Words for Wednesday - April 8

The Words for Wednesday are delivered by Elephant's Child all of April.  Again we meet Susan and the people from the Unicorn Farm, and again this is just for fun, I suppose it's not going into the book, but I needed some lightness and fun in these times. I'm sorry not to continue the "Here there be Dragons" from last Wednesday, but  maybe next week. 
  The words are:



Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire.

   "Practice, always practice," Susan said irritated. "I know, I'm good at this, why do I still have to practice?"
  "Good is not good enough," Heidi said, her head bent over the book. "Remember what happened with the clothes peg?"
"Oh, yes I remember. We were lucky that day that it was nothing worse," Susan said in a more agreeable voice.
  It was late in the evening, maybe already night, Lis had her wand emit a witchlight and read aloud by its eerie glow: "Faeries," she read from the slim, red book, "come in at least four different varieties, just like the elements."
  "I then suppose far more than four," Susan said. "Do you remember Teiko and Kensuke, they counted five elements, and more appropriate for fairies, what with wood being one of them. And are you sure this book is not totally wrong? I have trouble imagining earth fairies following our elements, and maybe even more trouble with metal fairies when using the Japanese five."
"Fair enough," Heidi said. "I never saw a metal fairy, nor an earthen one. I think we better stop here and ask Jon tomorrow. If the book can't be trusted, Its no good going along with it."
"Yes let's," Susan said, calling her greenish witchlight with a liquid move of her wand. "Time to get home! See you tomorrow."

8 kommentarer:

  1. As always I am loving this. Just four faeries? I cannot see that being correct at all.
    My greedy self is looking forward to more (when you are ready).
    Are you feeling any better? I do hope so.

  2. Four varieties - not four fairies. I'm sure something is wrong with that book.
    My health is not much better if indeed at all. As said, do not suffer from something not lethal and not corona rigth now. You get a check up and is told: Come back if you're about to die, else we can do nothing for you.

  3. I am sorry to read this. Very sorry. And suspect the same is true here. And thank you for picking up my error. I meant four TYPES of faeries (which would be completely insufficient), but didn't make it clear.
    Sending cyber healing wishes your way.

  4. They are smart to check first before spending time learning things that are not quite right.

    Praying you feel better soon.

  5. I hope you feel better soon Charlotte. I love fairy stories and those of the "little people" in my culture. All those varieties!


  6. Praying for your good health. Happy Easter.

    God bless.

  7. The girls are smart to check that their reading material is worth trusting! Too many folks these days are not doing that . . . but I won't get into politics.

    I hope your health improves, Charlotte. This is a hard time to be ill with anything. I also hope that with time hospitals will be able to resume some kind of schedule for treating all those suffering with non-corona illnesses. I think the long-term implications of this crisis are staggering.

  8. What a lovely piece. I'd like to think there are many different varieties of fairy. I wonder what a metal fairy would be like. Sorry to hear you've not been well. I hope you feel better soon. Happy Easter.


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