onsdag den 1. april 2020

Words for Wednesday April 1st - Here there be Dragons

  Now Elephant's Child has taken over Words for Wednesday in April, we're off for lighter matters. Again we meet Susan and the people from the Unicorn Farm, this is just for fun, I suppose it's not going into the book, but I needed some lightness and fun in these times. I hope to continue this story on the coming Tuesdays.  




"Stop!" Lis said. "Please be rational, I'm sure there's got to be an explanation somewhere."
"The best kind of explanation would be the truth," Sandra said. "Dragons do not exist, not even on Unicorn Farm! And that's it! Definitely!"
"I don't think Daddy has been drinking," Tage added slowly. "That would not be like him. I've been thinking, that there might be a darker explanation. Somebody wants to put Daddy in a bad standing."
"Who would do this?" Heidi exclaimed. "He could not hurt a fly!"
"Have you ever heard him sing?" Susan asked, trying to lighten the mood. "That sure hurts my ears."
"Oh, Susan," Sandra said smiling. "Bless you child, for your humour, Yes that's a sound to scare maybe even a dragon away."
Kai entered the living room. "I heard you," he said. "I swear, I saw a dragon yesterday out in the end of the isthmus. I was picking some flowers for My dear Sandra, when I saw him. I was surprised, I never saw a dragon before."
"No of course you did not," Sandra said harshly, "They do not exist!"
"Let's stop discussing," Kai said, "it will only foster dissent and strife among us. Let's go and see."
 "Those are the wisest words you have spoken yet today." Sandra said. "Should we go by car or fly?"
"Oh, let's fly," Heidi said. "I am sure we all could use some fresh air."

Part 2.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Love this! I like the last line the best. It makes me smile!

  2. I do hope the reasonable, rational people are wrong. I would LOVE to see a dragon.
    And am smiling all over as I read this - many thanks.

  3. Ah, i do hope they find a dragon and so he is vindicated. Or at least find something that will explain logically why he thought it was a dragon.

  4. In our house, the topics that are generating dissent and strife are the numbers being quoted in the media around COVID-19 and the measures being taken by our government . . . so, like Kai suggests in your story, we have agreed to stop (or at least minimize) our discussion of those topics. Maybe we should talk about dragons instead!

    I love that last line, too!

  5. I would like a dragon or two as well ... let's see what happens.
    Thank you for all your positive comments.


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