onsdag den 15. april 2020

WfW - Here there be Dragons II

  The Words for Wednesday are delivered by Elephant's Child all during April. 
  I'm just sort of spinning out the  "Here there be Dragons" from the first Wednesday, and hope that EC's words will bring the story to its conclusion next Wednesday.
  The words are: 



  In the sunless pre-dawn of the spring day Kai led the little group back to the place where he had seen the dragon, or thought he had seen one. Soon they passed the line of trees separating Unicorn Farm from the rest of the peninsula. They ignored the warning signs telling them to stop, they ignored the branches and brambles trying to catch their hair or dangling feet, as the flew low through the woods behind The Farm. They had forgotten how cold the wind was and as they dismounted, Kai quickly hastened his slow walk to a brisk trot, and continued until he stood at the utmost tip of the peninsula. Sandra, Heidi, Susan, Tage and Lis were close behind him. Everything was quiet. The sun rose,  and made the sea glimmer like a thousand golden shards. A delicate pair of wings could just be seen at the horizon. "See," Kai said in a low but triumphant voice. "Do you see the dragon?" Their eyes were drawn to the strange phenomenon.
  "It's so not a dragon," Sandra said. "It's a whale blowing"
  "My dearly beloved wife," Kai countered, " How little I ever care to gainsay you, you are mistaken. A blow that size would take a monster of a whale to make, and it would surely not have enough water beneath its fleshy keel in these cold, shallow straits."  
  "Oh, Dad," Heidi said, her words almost inaudible over the surf. "It IS a dragon, I'm sure!"
  "Am I a witch or not?" Sandra asked of no-one in particular and mounted her broom. "I'll fly out and see!"
  "Let's all fly out," Tage said, "If it is aggressive, we are safer many together."
  All the others also mounted their brooms, and side by side they flew out over the glittering sea.

Part 3.

6 kommentarer:

  1. How I would love to join them flying out to see the dragon (or indeed a whale).
    I look forward to these snippets and you never disappoint.
    A very minor quibble 'Kai lead the little group back' would perhaps read better as Kai led the little group back.

    1. Thank you. I'm afraid I do not understand what you mean. The sentence seems the same to me both times, I love corrections ;)

    2. Led is the past tense of lead.

    3. Thank you so much for explaining! I'll correct immediately. Still not fresh, that's probably why I could not see it.

  2. Oh, i do hope it's a dragon, and friendly, if your world has such things.

  3. Only time will tell, but I hope so too.


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