tirsdag den 14. april 2020

M is for Mondrian

Later, as they studied the book, Lis asked Susan about the potion, Ella's Granny had given to the werewolves and the Gargoyle.
"I think I've found it," Lis said, "The last chapter in the book is interspersed with notes in that crazy German Script, come over and help me read it. It's also written in German."
"Let's try ..." Susan said. "And let's begin with the ingredients, I should know what it says there."

Together they laboured through the sprawling letters, Heidi writing down each word as they agreed upon it. Tage ran after the big German dictionary and a thesaurus from the living room. In the end they were able to read the following verse:

"Mondrian is brewed in moonlight,
brewed in hope and love and fear
Are you bitten,
moonstruck, smitten,
Mondrian will set you right.
In your greed you'll be forsaken.
Mondrian in excess taken
make you lose what you hold dear"

"Ella's Granny was very careful not to let me or anyone else touch the potion. She did not tell why, but I guess she was afraid we wold lose our magic should we touch it. It sounds like a very potent potion."
"It sure does." Tage said. "A potion to take people's magic from them is very dangerous indeed. I'm not even sure, we should let the translation of this potion laying around."
"No, I agree," Lis said. "Let's burn it at once."
Heidi lit a fire and they burned the transcription and all of their notes.
"And now I suggest I go down to Unicorn Farm and hand this book over to either Gilvi or the twins. I think it is much too dangerous." Susan said in an earnest voice.
"I suggest we all go  together," Heidi said.

When they arrived at Unicorn Farm, the teachers were gathered in the kitchen, eating dinner. The four children waited outside at the bales, until the teachers had finished eating. The first one to get out was Torben.
"Why are you here now?" he asked.
 "I wanted to ask Gilvi about something in my homework, and the other three offered to keep me company. It's a  lovely evening for a walk." Tage said, offering the same explanation he had given their parents.
Torben eyed them with suspicion, and he looked at the books in Tage's hands, and then he cast a long searching glance at the old, worn volume in Susan's hands. Luckily all the other teachers came out through the open french doors and Gilvi walked over to the children. Torben hurriedly took his leave and went for the trees. "Now what are you four doing here?" Gilvi asked.
"Officially we're here to ask you some questions about the spell I had to practice for tomorrow, Tage said
"And unofficially?" Gilvi asked with a wry smile.
"Unofficially, and very much so I'm here to give this book into your hands. I think it is dangerous, well we all think so." Susan said extending the old bestiary.
"Griffon's old bestiary!" Gilvi exclaimed. "Where on earth did you pick that one up? It was thought lost at least  200 years ago. Let's go inside the kitchen."
In the kitchen Thora still stood, packing a big cake into her handbag.
"Thora, pull that cake back out again and get hold of the Kuusisaaris before they leave." Gilvi said, as he poured water into the big shiny kettle and made ready for tea.
Soon all eight sat around the cozy kitchen table with steaming mugs of tea and generous slices of cake. "Thora, would you please..."
Thora pulled out her wand and made some complicated gestures with it, before she gave a small sigh. "Now we're safe," she said.
Gilvi placed the book on the table, and Tähti almost spilled her tea in surprise, Taavi actually dropped his slice of cake.
"From where do you have this book?" Tähti asked, as she got her voice back.
"From Susan here," Gilvi said. "Settle down, I think we have a late evening in front of us."

4 kommentarer:

  1. Smart kids, not to try to get into things that are too much for them.

    1. Yes smart, and very lucky to escape Torben here.

  2. I am always intrigued and delighted by this continuing tale. Many, many thanks.


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