onsdag den 29. april 2020

WfW - Here There be Dragons IV

  The Words for Wednesday are delivered by Elephant's Child all during April. 
  I'm still spinning out the "Here there be Dragons" from the first, third and fourth Wednesday, and hope that Lee's words will allow me to continue and eventually bring the story to its conclusion on Wednesdays to come.
  The words are:




After several false starts they finally crossed the river. The moon still hung low in th sunlit sky and the gentle breeze seeming to come from the moon, made the broken branches whisper and murmur. Several larger and a larger number of smaller branches were hanging only in thin threads of torn and shredded bark from many of the trees. And this, finally made Sandra and the children realize that Kai's dragon was real and not a bunch of lies.

As they finally found the dragon, sleeping near the water, its body was black as the night on the underside, but the upper side was beautiful enough to make them want to cry. Then the dragon woke, and jumped into action.

Part 5.

2 kommentarer:

  1. I am so glad that the dragon is real and can't wait (though I will have to) for the next installment. I do hope the dragon is neither afraid nor defensive...

  2. Yes, i am also hoping the dragon may simply be as curious about them as they are curious about him/her.


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