søndag den 4. august 2024

Sunday Selections :: Obsessed by the Weather.

  I think I found out just WHY Danes (and other Nordic people) are so obsessed by the weather, constantly talking about it and so on.
  Because our summers are short but intense, we have to save up sunshine vitamins and good moods against the coming winter - like a squirrel hoarding nuts.

Yesterday was
                    finally a day of sunshine - I worked in the garden.

This morning
                    on our way to church the weather was back to its new normal - lots of
                                   around. We ran to the bus.

On our way home, the rain had abated, and my defiant tree was still growing at the train station in Hillerød.

12 kommentarer:

  1. Of course,
    if the days with sunshine are few,
    you must take advantage of them!!
    I see the color changed to gray mouse!!
    How the space changes with the change of weather!!

    1. Thank you, and the colour changes with the months. I let a random generator give me 12 colours for 2024 - discarding any doubles.
      This bus stop is one, I often photograph, and it sure chages with the weather.

  2. Y.S. sorry i forgot have a great week Charlotte!!

    1. Thank you , καλή εβδομάδα to you ;)

  3. Det tror jeg, du har helt ret i🌞🌧️

  4. Winter is when we get most of our much needed rain. Parts of Australia have got lots (too much) this year. We have not. We have had lots of mouse grey days but v little rain. I love seeing that defiant tree.

    1. I still ote for a weather exchange place! That tree is a survivor.

  5. I think the whole world worries about weather, some hope and wait for sunshine, others hope and wait for rain.

    1. As I sauid to EC abd many times before, an international weather xchange would be great. I would willingly give a sackful of very rainy clouds for a week of sunshine. Sadly not enough people are worried enough to really do something about it ... if it's not too late.

  6. You do need more sunshine for your summer. It's not easy to stay cheerful when day after day is gray with rain.

    That tree makes me smile.

    1. Exactly, and I feel cursed. "All" (almost) the sunny days so far Iøve been too lousy to really enjoy.


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