tirsdag den 13. august 2024

Hør :: Flax & World Photography Week

Today I pulled my flax.

But first the Photo of the day. A glorious sunflower. Some time ago I gave away what I thought was the only sunflower to have germinated in my garden. Later I found that yet another one had survived the onslaughts of foes slimy and feathered. Yesterday it unfolded its sunshine yellow petals.I forgot to do anything about it, but luckily sunflowers bloom for more than one day.

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I dag ruskede jeg min hør.
     Men først dagens billede til World Photography Week. En flot solsikke.
For nogen tid siden forærede jeg min eneste solsikke bort, troede jeg. Det viste sig at der var spiret en til der havde overlevet angrebene fra både fjerede og slimede fjender. I går sprang den så ud. Det glemte jeg at gøre andet ved end at kigge, men heldigvis blomstrer solsikker i mere end én dag.

The year's square metre of flax, of the sort Avian from the Nordic 1 m² flax project.
It did not grow as well as the other years. The slugs do not like it, but the bindweed think that flax is planted for them to climb on. This year my beans had the same thoughts.

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Årets kvadratmeter hør af sorten Avian fra det nordiske 1 m² hør-projekt.
Den voksede ikke så godt som de andre år. Sneglene kan heldigvis ikke lide hør, men snerlerne, som der er mange af i år, tror, at jeg har plantet hør bare for at de skal have noget at klatre på. I år havde mine bønner fået samme idé.

It was a fiddly job, but I got the beans extricated -- I tried pulling, once, the flax wins hands down.

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Det var et værre pillearbejde, men jeg fik pillet bønneplanterne ud til sidst. Jeg prøvede bare at trække dem fra hinanden - men kun én gang - hør er meget mere solidt end bønner!

I also had some flax from a summer flower mix. Here you see why spinning flax is a good investment if you want to spin it.

Decorative flax below; it is much more branchy that the spinning flax on top.

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     Jeg havde også noget hør fra en pose blandede sommerblomster. Her kan man se, hvorfor det er en god idé at investere i spindehør hvis man vil lave fibre.
     Sommerblomsten nederst - den er meget mere forgrenet end spindehørren øverst.

And the bundles. They look very green, most of it is not flax leaves, but bindweed and other weeds.

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Årets høst. Det ser meget grønt ud, men det meste af det grønne er snerler og anden ukrudt.

8 kommentarer:

  1. Your unique sunflower is very beautiful!!

  2. The joys of gardening, a volunteer sunflower and too many volunteer weeds. Still, I do enjoy the photos you take of all of it.

    1. "Too many volunteer weeds" Thanks for the laugh. Yes I do have that!

  3. Love the sunflower, and have to say I'd prefer the beans over the flax. How does something like the flax stalk become pliable enough to spin into thread?

    1. That sunflower is a very nice surprise.
      I like to grow beans as hubby likes to eat them, flax is more of a project for fun.
      Flax turns into fibre (or more precies we get the fibre out of the stalks) by a complicated process including retting in water (rotting, actually) beating and combing. I now have harvested enough flax to try my hand at the next steps.
      To proceed from there I need to learn how to spin, as flax is hard to spin - and I can't even spin "beginner's wool" with any consistency - practise ahead.

  4. Svar
    1. Thank you - I think it is a Hopi dye one, but I'm not sure.


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