mandag den 19. august 2024

Poetry Monday :: Market

Every Monday is Poetry Monday. Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings and I have taken over the hosting duties, mostly the supplying of the prompts - only temporarily we hope - while Diane at On the Border is taking a break for health reasons.

  I have something to ask of you: If you read this and the poetry of others via the links, would you please leave a comment.
  Half - if not more - the fun of these challenges is receiving the responses of others

Today's topic is Market. Yesterday an internet search brought me from Getafix, the Druid in Asterix ➡ the secondary characters ➡ Cacophonix, which in Scots is called  Magonaglix ➡  to a hopeless poet, William McGonagall, whose only concern seems to have been that the poetry should rhyme - hence writing what The Writer and I have dubbed "Folk Song Army-Poetry" - think Tom Lehrer and his Folk Song Army 😀🎶

This rolled around in my head. And combined itself with today's topic: Market.
I pride myself of mostly being able to both rhyme and scan correctly ... but what if I tried not to - or only one at a time. I hope I'm not as bad as McGonagall (LINK, takes you to some examples in the Wikipedia article on him).

My Farmer's Market
I go to an old farmers market
every Saturday morning in town
I there sell my soap and my ointments,
Its a troublesome, funny event.
There are veggies and wine
There are coffee so fine
And knittings and handcrafts to boot.

Sometimes it is raining and dripping,
my soaps turn all mushy and soft
When the sun shines the soaps are all melting
and the ointments go liquid from heat,
And the storms blow to hell
all the things that I sell
even tables and all of my booth.

And the customers, they are a handful
some days not a soap I can sell
The next Saturday they all buy it,
and poor little me has to smell.
My booth do I close
And I just cannot cope
with cooking of yet a compound.

Oh, I suffer and shiver and swelter
I am pelted by sunshine and rain.
As I bike home I swear, I am cussing
And I say: No, nay, never again!
But the next Saturday you'll find me
at the old farmer's market in town.

- - - - -

Next Monday we'll tackle Instrument.

6 kommentarer:

  1. This seems familiar to me . . . I used to sell in a craft show each October. The event itself was indoors, but the hall was drafty OR overheated, and carrying the boxes of crafts into and out of the hall and then driving my vehicle to a distant parking lot was too much for my introverted self. Each year as I packed to go home I wondered if it was worth it! I wouldn't care to sell in an outdoor venue :)

    1. Hehe, yes much the same sentiments that fills me.
      The place for our market is a patch of grass in front of the church, called the Pastor's field - so very much outdoor.

  2. Thank you and all the other marketers who suffer to bring us most excellent things - and fun poems too.

  3. It's not easy, but I do hope if you have good customers you keep trying for their sake.

    1. I have some very good, recurring customers, and I keep trying for their sake, and for my co-markeeers - we do have fun and nice times.
      This poem is a bit - just a teeny tiny bit - exaggerated :)


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.