fredag den 23. august 2024

Mere edderkop ~ More Spider

     Vi har, som de fleste andre husstande stor husedderkop i vores hjem - og den er stor, faktisk Danmarks største edderkop hvad benlængden  angår. Den kan nå et 'benspænd' på hele 10 cm. Den er ikke giftig, eller rettere, den er ikke giftig for mennesker - er du en flue eller et andet byttedyr, stiller sagen sig ganske anderledes.
     Normalt ser vi ikke meget til den, men hvis den falder ned i badekarret, kan den ikke komme op ved egen hjælp, og løber rundt dernede og spinder tråde for at komme op. Vi lader proppen hænge ned i karret, så den kan bruges som nødudgang, men af og til - temmelig ofte faktisk, er der en strandet edderkop i badekarret. Således også i dag.
     Og eftersom jeg var i gang med at snakke edderkopper, tog jeg et par billeder før jeg smed den ud af badekarret.
     Det regner (igen!) og er halvmørkt nede i vores badekar, så billederne er  ikke bedste kvalitet, jeg undskylder.

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As most Danish households, we have Giant house spiders in our home - it is big, but not giant. It is the largest Danish spider, and its leg from tip to tip can measure up to 10 cm. It is not poisonous venomous (thanks Mimi!) - or rather yes it is, but not harmful unless of course you are a fly or other animal of prey. 

Normally we do not run into them, but occasionally they fall into the bathtub and can not get out on their own. We let the stopper on a chain hang down. The spiders are not always smart enough to find this emergency exit, but run around and spin threads to get out. This happened today as well, and as I was in the spider-rut, I snapped some photos before letting it out of the tub.

Today is rainy and overcast (once again!) so the quality of photos from the bottom of our bathtub is not the best, bear with me.

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Dette her er nok det bedste billede -- This is probably the best photo

Og sammenlignet med min finger -- and compared to my finger

11 kommentarer:

  1. Thank you for rescuing the spider - which is definitely my job here. One of my jobs.

    1. I rescue al spiders except for the "chaos spiders" (cellar spiders) which are an invasive species. It is mainly my job, but The Writer and the Owlets all set them free as well.

  2. Yep, that's definitely a spider! 10 cm is a pretty good size. We aren't used to that size here . . .

    1. It is one of the largest bugs around here - I'll try and get one of thje larger flying ones, and look up their name in English ;)

  3. He certainly has very long legs! I haven't seen a spider here since last summer.

    1. Really? We have spiders all year round, fewer and smaller in winter, but still some.

    2. There are some in the garden, I just haven't seen any. I did walk through an orb weaver's web yesterday morning, but the spider wasn't anywhere to be seen.

  4. Svar
    1. It IS the largest Danish spider, but it's very non-agressive. I usually just pick them up with my bare hands, unlike the cross spiders, who will sometimes bite - and it hurts!

  5. What lovely spiders they are!

    By the way, and it's okay, I sometimes use the word also, but spiders are not usually poisonous, but venomous. Meaning if you eat it (ugh!) it won't poison you, but if it bites it will inject venom into you. Someone pointed it out to me a while back, the difference between the words. Just a fun fact.

    1. Thanks! This is just the kind of "word magic" I love. Of course it is venomous, I do not feel like checking if it is poisonous as well! Yuck indeed!


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