mandag den 19. august 2024

World Photography Day

And now, it's the day. The theme is a big unwieldy blob ... sorry to all the good folks behind this endeavour, but there's something about grandiose themes in the style of one day - one life, only more bloated that makes me recalcitrant and apt to poke fun at and eventually puncture your hot air balloon.

Read this (from here):
World Photography Day is the global celebration of all types of photography, but each year, we also have an optional theme to focus on. The World Photography Day 2024 theme is "AN ENTIRE DAY". It is an ongoing project which will officially launch on August 19, 2024 - visit An Entire Day website.

Over the course of an entire day, the population of Earth has more than a combined 20 MILLION years of human experience (almost 8 billion people, with 24 hours each). Everyone is living their own life, sharing one world. Our goal as a global community is to capture as many different aspects of what happens around the world in one day.

To do this - along with any other photos you're planning on sharing on World Photography Day this year, feel free to share a photo, a video or a time-lapse that you'll take on August 19, 2024 tagging #AnEntireDay on the social platform of your choice, and don't forget to tag #WorldPhotographyDay and #WorldPhotographyDay2024, too. Spread the word!

     Og nu er det endelig dagen. Årets tema er en stor, uhåndterlig mundfuld ... undskyld til alle de gode kræfter bag dette foretagende, men der er noget med temaer i stil med en dag - et liv, bare endnu mere oppustet, der i den grad giver mig lyst til at være på tværs, og tilbøjelig til at gøre grin med og til sidst punktere den store varmluftsballon. Og her på min blog kan jeg gøre som jeg lyster.
     Temabeskrivelsen er på engelsk, den kommer herfra og jeg har ikke haft ork til at oversætte den. Kan du ikke klare mosten, anbefaler jeg DeepL, som er meget bedre end Google Translate til den slags ;)

-- 🖼 --

And now my photo. My uncleaned window and an insect, which I call The Flying T -- it is a Plume moth, I suspect the Emmelina monodactyla also known as the Morning-Glory plume moth. I like that name! The Latin name actually means the one-fingered Emmelina, which is also fun.

-- T --

Og nu til billedet. Et upudset vindue med en natsværmer, som jeg kalder det flyvende T, men som nok hedder snerlefjermøl, Emmelina monodactyla, et fjermøl er det helt garanteret, og det latinske navn lyder også smukt - og lidt sjovt: Det betyder den en-fingrede Emmelina.

6 kommentarer:

  1. It's certainly an ambitious theme, isn't it? And with all that combined wisdom in the world, how did social media become so popular? lol

    I do like your photo. To me it speaks of a simplicity I wish was more widespread.

  2. I wondered if it was some kind of strange plane or drone until I read your text.

  3. Wow, what a photo! You caught it just right.

    I agree the theme is a bit overwhelming and a bit too much.

    1. Thank you. My idea of "themes for everybody" sure goes along simpler terms.


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