mandag den 25. december 2023

Poetry Monday :: Christmas

Long ago we spent a year in Salzgitter, Germany. There it was a tradition that the priest and some of the children from the parish came dressed as the three wise men and sung carols in the Christmas week. Sternsinger they're called in German - Star singers. The house is blessed, and the singers are given cookies, candy and tea or soft drinks, and the priest get some money for the needy (or I guess hand out something if you're the needy one).

I think this is a good tradition, and would very much like to transplant it to Denmark.

We also had a visit, and they sung a song that stayed with me, and that I have tried to translate into Danish. Today I tried my hand at an English translation, please be not too harsh on my humble try.

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The song is called
Stern über Betlehem

Stern über Betlehem, zeig uns den Weg
führ uns zur Krippe hin, zeig wo sie steht,
leuchte du uns voran, bis wir dort sind,
Stern über Betlehem, führ uns zum Kind.

Stern über Betlehem, nun bleibst du stehn
und läßt uns alle das Wunder hier sehen,
das da geschehen, was niemand gedacht,
Stern über Betlehem, in dieser Nacht.

Stern über Betlehem, wir sind am Ziel,
denn dieser arme Stall birgt doch so viel!
Du hast uns hergeführt, wir danken dir,
Stern über Betlehem, wir bleiben hier.

Stern über Betlehem, kehren wir zurück,
scheint noch dein helles Licht in unserm Blick,
und was uns froh gemacht, teilen wir aus,
Stern über Betlehem, schein auch zu Haus.

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And in Danish
Stjerne fra Betlehem

Stjerne fra Betlehem, vis os nu vej
før os til kongen nu, vi følger dig
lys på vor mørke vej til vi når frem
Stjerne fra Betlehem, før os til Ham.

Stjerne fra Betlehem, standser du her?
Barnet i krybben ser vi i dit skær
Her er et under sket, vi fandt en skat.
Stjerne fra Betlehem, i denne nat.

Stjerne fra Betlehem, vi nåede frem.
Røgelse, guld og sølv bragte vi Ham.
Du ledte os herhen, vi takker dig,
Stjerne fra Betlehem, for lys på vej.

Stjerne fra Betlehem, når vi ta'r væk,
skinner dit stærke lys i vores blik,
og vi fortæller om barnet, vi fandt.
Stjerne fra Betlehem, tag med os hjem!

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English translation
Star above Betlehem

Star above Betlehem show us the way
lead us to Betlehem, and not astray.
Shine with your gentle light in our night
Star above Betlehem show us the child.

Star above Betlehem, now here you stay,
And let us all see the child in the hay.
What happen'd in this place? We saw a spark,
Star above Betlehem, deep in the dark.

Star above Betlehem this is our goal
For in this humble place Him we behold
You led us to this place, we thank you star
Star above Betlehem, you led us far.

Star above Betlehem when we go home
still shines your gentle light in our gloom.
What we saw in this place, we have to share
Star above Betlehem stay with us there.

-- 🌟 --

You can listen here in German:

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Next Monday: The Future (Diane's last Poetry Monday - for now, we hope!)

6 kommentarer:

  1. Thank you for the poem, the song and the translation. I hope your Christmas is blessed.

    1. Thank you. So far our Christmas has been good, chaotic. and blessed.

      I wish the same for you.

  2. This is a lovely Christmas poem/song. I pray you have all had) a blessed Christmas.

    Diane is happy for us to continue Poetry Monday if we wish (and I do hope someday she comes back and takes up the mantle again). Would you like to pick the first topics, perhaps for January? Or we could trade week by week if that would work better for you.

    1. Yes, I'll happily supply topics for January. But as I said, I find it better if you publish them on your blog. I'll try and find your email somewhere :D
      Month for month will at least make me less apt to forget.

  3. The song is very pretty. When I was very young my dad would play the Vienna Boys Choir on the record player each Christmas.

    1. They can sing! Much better than the priest and parishionrs of Salzgitter, but not less heartfelt.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.