mandag den 4. december 2023

Poetry Monday :: Shoes

Today's theme for Poetry Monday is Shoes. Poetry Monday is a challenge, hosted by Diane at On the Border. But now only four times more.  Monday, January 1, 2024 is Diane's last time hosting Poetry Monday, as she's taking a break due to health issues. Messymimi and I have a loose plan of keeping the chair warm for her - let's see what happens.

Again I tried to find a Danish song. Like my hoarse dragon, it was a song from a play or a musical. I remember a choir of small wood goblins, wood witches or cosy goblin singing a song called,
Oh, my Shoes are Filled with Holes.
This time around it was all gone. What strange thing.Then I just had to improvise and this nonsense happened.

Oh, my shoes are filled with holes,
While I'm hunting with the trolls.
And I'm happy that it is not gnolls.

Oh, my shoes are filled with holes,
But I'm running with the foals -
And I'm happy that it is not moles.

Oh, my shoes are filled with holes,
But I'm skipping all the poles.
And I'm filling ice in all the bowls.

Oh, my shoes are filled with holes,
While I'm singing of the voles.
And I'm sure of reaching all my goals.

 - - - - - -

Upcoming topics:
Winter (December 11)
Cookies (December 18)
Christmas/Hanukkah/Holidays (Dec. 25)
The Future (January 1 My last Poetry Monday)

10 kommentarer:

  1. Good poem and I like your new header picture.

    1. Thnaks, and so do I. As I try to follow what I see through my window in my header, I'll unfortunately be force to change it again soon - rain and grey days ahead :(

  2. Svar
    1. Thanks a lot! This topic is one of the recurring ones, and I so have problems with writing of shoes :)

    2. You wrote asking if I have plans for continuing the poetry after Diane is no longer blogging. When Delores and Procrastinating Donkey did it while she had a blog break before, each would take turns suggesting the next week's topic.

      We could either do that, you suggest a topic one week, then it would be my turn, or we could choose four topics at a time, more along the lines of the way Diane does it now.

      Which do you think would work best for you?

    3. It matters not to me whether I'll have to suppy a prompt every other week or every other month - so I'll leave this up to what suits you best. But I would suggst we keep it on your blog.

  3. I enjoyed the whimsical feel to this poem!


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