søndag den 31. december 2023

All the Colours of 2023

At first a disclaimer: I'm not going to keep up Colours of the Month in 2024. It did not work out as I thought it would. I would have liked to post at least a photo a month with the months' colour. It did not happen.

But a review of the monthly colours and some photos is still in order.

Månedernes farve ~ ~ Colour of the Months

January - Pine Green - an alternative view of our Christmas tree.

February - Signal White - the colour I did not use for my sweater

March - Salmon Range - dyeing with privet berries and thickseed flowers

April - Reseda Green - celebrating Easter and writing of ancestors

May - May Green - celebrating Common Prayer Day for the last time ever

June - Turquoise blue - sewing a new piano guardian

July - Golden Yellow - visiting the sand sculptures and meeting this golden beauty in the nearby harbour

August - Luminous Red - Seeing monsters in the weather graphs

September - Antique Pink - reminiscing about our stay in Germany

October - Dahlia Yellow - plant dyeing once again

November - Mint Green - complaining about the labelling of pick'n'mix candy

December - Fawn brown - Dead leaves still hanging on the tree at the place where I bought our Christmas tree.

And after this trip through my year in colour, I am tempted to take up Colour24 anyway. The format would be a bit different in as far as I would only announce the colour on the first (or maybe second) Sunday of every month; together with a Sunday Selections using the colour. What do you say?

2 kommentarer:

  1. It is up to you - but I have rather liked the additional challenge of using your chosen colour in W4W prompts.
    Happy New Year dear friend. A healthy, happy one for you and everyone you care about.

  2. I agree with EC, the additional challenge is nice. If it's too much work, or you would rather do it differently, please do.


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