fredag den 22. december 2023

Solhverv ~ Solstice

Det er sket. Mens vi lå og sov, helt præcist klokken 4.27 i morges, vendte solen og fra nu af bliver dagene længere.
     Jeg glæder mig, og det kan ikke gå for hurtigt med lysere, længere dage!

-- 🌞 --

It has happened! While I was sleeping - to be exact at 4.47 am  - the Sun reversed, and the days are now getting longer.

Yes I know that on the Southern hemisphere they're getting shorter from now. I know, but I can't really feel it in my longing for longer, brighter days.

8 kommentarer:

  1. A happy, healthy solstice to you. With many brighter days - literally and figuratively.

    1. Thank you and the same to you, and cooler days as well for you!

  2. Yes it happened down here - 2.27pm this afternoon (December 22). It’ll be a little while before we notice the difference though.
    I understand how ‘happy’ you are because I’ll be feeling the same way in 6 months time! Enjoy the light when it arrives!

    1. Yes. It'll take some days before we can see any differece, and almost 2 weeks yet yet before we get more that measly 7 hours of murky daylight. I am very happy with the turning of the year and so would you if you lived almost 20 latitudes closer to the pole, with resulting shorter and darker days.

  3. I'd forgotten about the solstice until I read about it on the internet.

    1. I never forget, it is really a day we look forward to. Sometimes I'm in doubt of the date, but forget it? Never!

  4. I pray the returning sunshine helps you and may you and your family have a blessed and beautiful Merry Christmas.

    1. Thank you, And I wish the same for you and yours.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.