tirsdag den 19. december 2023


After a wait at the hospital, I was called in by a nice doctor and told that my surgery was postponed due to more tests needed.

I'm not totally unhappy with this. Surgery less than a week before Christmas ... let's just say that the timing could be better.

Blogging will soon resume 💖

5 kommentarer:

  1. Further tests are a good sign. I hope that you have a wonderful pain free Christmas, and that answers can be found quickly.

  2. A little unnerving when you are all worked up about an operation and it's deferred/ Enjoy your fresh holiday plans!

  3. I do pray it turns out you do not need this or any surgery.

  4. I hope it all goes well eventually, or perhaps the surgery may not be needed?

  5. Thanks all. I am enjoying the new plans, and more happily now as I sprained my back some days ago, Surgery + back pains + Christmas with a lot of guests = Not good.
    Thanks again for all your prayers and well wishes!


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