mandag den 21. august 2023

Poetry Monday :: Sea Monsters & Words for Wednesday ... kind of ...

We had these Words:

     and / or
Treasure map
Bus stop
Egg roll
Full moon
Garden gnome
Trash can

And as I said those words seemed like some I ought to be able to write a good chapter of Susan's tale by using. I just can't. Writer's block or something? Every time I sit down to write, there's just nothing happening. Today is Monday, and the clue for Poetry Monday is Sea monsters I got a great idea for combining the Words and the clue and tried just writing, but I ran out of steam very fast. Here's what I wrote:

Monster, monster from the sea
come to shore and speak to me.
Full moon waning in the gloom,
Hero rising for his doom
Suppress partner, pressure go!
Trash can ballet, warrant too.

Tage had been practising all the way from the bus stop to the sea. It was one of the rhymes from Olav's fake magic potion book but this one was a bit different from all the others. For one it was meaningless. Except for the first three lines they were filled with non sequitur and strange words.
Lis thought she had read something like it in an old almanac, but she had not been able to find it. Like Susan she was a voracious reader, known to read the time tables and ingredients lists on crackers if nothing else could be found.
Now they sat on the beach, munching some egg rolls the nisser had given them. Waiting for the full moon to rise which it would at a quarter after five, giving them ample time to return to The Farm in time for dinner - or so they hoped.


And the idea is for a grand sea monster to surface and belch up  a Garden Gnome with a treasure map hidden inside. My poor brain is still mushy, so I never made it that far.
... to hopefully be amended, expanded and finished at a later date.

6 kommentarer:

  1. I like the way you are combining two writing challenges - and in the fullness of time I hope to read more.

    1. Than you. I hope the wall will break .. or is it a dam?

  2. It's an excellent piece, are they anywhere near a sea for the sea monster to happen?

    1. Oh yes! Unicorn Farm is situated on an island - loads of sea near by, dolphins, even small sharks swim those waters - as do the crypto-beasts of the magical community on the Farm.

  3. I do like this, the story idea is just right, it may take some time to percolate and settle and come through the way you want.

  4. A sea monster & a treasure map - I see Susan seeking that treasure and making friends with the monster.

    Have a lovely day.


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