søndag den 6. august 2023

Sunday Selections :: Red and Flowers

Søndagsbilleder :: Rød og blomster

It is now! The hollyhocks are flowering. And look! So many nuances.
Nu blomstrer stokroserne - og hvor er der mange forskellige!

Der er også modne hyben - And the rosehips begin to ripen

Det samme gør bærrene på kaprifolien, selvom den også stadig har sine imponerende knopper
Also on the honeysuckle berries are ripening, even though it still shows off the impressing buds

Horsetidsel er meget smuk og meget stikkende! Den kendes let på sine meget stive, strågule torne.
Spear thistle is a beaut - and prickly. It is easily recognized by its stiff, straw coloured spines

Nogle andre skønheder -- Some other pretties

Og vores "jungle". Jeg lugede alle de små hjortetaktræer væk i maj, Nu er de tilbage for fuld kraft.
And our "jungle". I removed all the small shots of the Staghorn sumac in May. Now they're back!

Og til sidst: Vi diskuterede månedens røde farve. Her er den sammenlignet med rød som en brandbil eller postkasserød. Det er ikke den samme. Men jeg er sikker på at begge farver er med på mine billeder flere gange.

And we discussed the colour of the month. Here it is compared to fire engine red (Danish mail box red). It is not the same colour. But I'm sure both can be found more than once in my photos.
Augusts lysende rød øverst/til venstre og postkasserød nederst/til højre.
Top left August's Luminous red, bottom right Fire engine red.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Lots and lots and lots of pretties. Thank you. I would love to wander through your jungle, and would no doubt get ideas for my own.

    1. Can you NOT get ideas visiting someone's garden? I cannot!

  2. I love how your garden grows. Yes, it's not easy to keep the weeds and unwanted plants at bay, but it's worth it.

    1. I have troubles keeping my unwanted plants at bay, it seems they are wanted by bees and butterflies, and frogs, lizards and even a hedgehog now and then. I try to make it so that we can all co-exist, but as I have been suffering form differnt ailments recently the wild flora and fauna have mostly taken over ;)

  3. The hollyhocks are beautiful, I love the really dark one in the top right hand corner. I had seeds from one like that but they didn't grow. All the other flowers are beautiful too.

    1. That one was a surprise. As those very dark ones dye a nice blue or green colour (I pick the wilting flowers only), and I like them, I have tried to import it for years, only suceeding now. They seems to sprout unwillingly, as opposed to the yellow, cream coloured and pink ones. Keep on sowing, they will grow eventually it seems.


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