onsdag den 2. august 2023

Words for Wednesday & IWSG

It is Wednesday. And this means time for Words for Wednesday!

Endnu engang undskyld til danske læsere. Det bliver ikke til noget på dansk i dag.

This challenge was started by Delores a long time ago. Troubles led her to bow out, but the challenge was too much fun to let go, and now the Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss. Use all Words, some Words or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement. 

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   All Wednesdays in August the Words are provided by messymimi on her blog.

   I wrote, thought, wrote some more, deleted some words, thought some more ... and so on. Then a lot of things happened, then I made my post - this one.  Wednesday and Thursday were busy days somewhere else but in the Owlery -- and what little time I spent in front of the computer, was spent checking e-mail, proofreading and editing, not much blogging happened except for ultra-short visits to other blogs. I had after all published this ... or actually not!

     Today's Words:


These were the Words for this Wednesday, and what I should have used, but all my writing, thinking, deleting, thinking, writing and so on took place before Messymimi had made public her Words. Long way of saying that I used the WfW for last Wednesday, given by me and to be found here.

These words were:

A pod of dolphins
Farmacy - Pharmacy is what I meant. The typo due to my not being English and Blogger and spell checker not co-operating in January.

Also I used the first batch only, and as usual in the order they were given.
Further a warning is maybe in its place here.

Beware Bloody scenes!

Susan sat at the window looking despondently out into the rain. Life had been one long row of schooldays since the summer holiday ended back in late July. Now September had almost ended, and in fourteen days Autumn holidays would start. The downs from a thistle drifted past the widow, despite the rain they soared,m driven by the wind. Their rising and falling reminded Susan of a pod of dolphins she had seen at the Unicorn Farm in the summer holidays. It was like a dance, and it lifted Susan's spirits.
"Susan!" Mom called from downstairs. Susan poked her head out through the door: "Yes?"
"Would you mind running to the pharmacy for me? We're out of toothpaste again."
"Again?" Susan said, "Is somebody eating it?"
"No, I really think not, it's just a very small container, maybe you could buy two this time?"
"I will," Susan said and took the money mom gave her. "I'll take my bike, I'll be back in a jiffy."
"Take care!" Mom called after her.
Susan quickly biked down to the pharmacy. It was situated in an ugly, new building at a corner of the town's market square. As it was Saturday, it was a market day, and after buying the two toothpaste tubes for mom, Susan walked the market. It was mostly local farmers, hunters, or fishermen selling their produce, but a cheese seller and some florist also had a stall. Susan looked at all the different kinds of potatoes in one stall, long pale yellow ones, round and knobbly ones, and the red-skinned ones Susan and mom liked. The farmer also sold pheasants and rabbits. The next stall sold eggs and poultry. Eggs were ranged after size, from small over medium to large and extra large. Those  were called size S, and Susan wondered if it was S for Struds (meaning ostrich), as someone once told her. She dared not ask. The chicken and ducks and a pair of geese sat in small cages in the shadow under the table.  A lady poked a finger through the bars of the cage, feeling the hen inside. "She is a fine, fat hen," the farmer said. "Good for soup!"
"And it's an old rooster, old and tough as an old boot, I dare bet," the lady answered.
"Of course not," the farmer assured. "She has been laying eggs for a short while only, She's young and tender."
The lady looked at the hen again. It was a nice, big one, white and black feathered, and the comb was thick and red and stood straight up. She took a paper bag from her basket, and broke some crumbs from a bread and placed them in front of the hen. The hen gobbled up the crumbs with an appetite an cackled at the lady,
"Yes, it looks fine," the lady said. "It will make a nice pot of soup for our Sunday family reunion."
The lady paid, and the farmer spread out some newspaper on the boards of his stall. Then he took the hen from the cage and without further ado wrung its neck. He wrapped it in several layers of newspaper, and the lady tucked it into her basket and went on.
Susan remembered that the street washing machine always cleaned the market square after it closed down at noon. Now she knew why.
Susan went back to the potato stall, counted the money that was left over from buying the toothpaste and pulled together her courage to ask how many of the red-skinned potatoes she could have for the sum. The nice man filled up a big paper bag, weighing the contents with an old scale and pound weights. Susan even had some money left over. She hoped mom would be happy with the red-skinned potatoes.

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August 2 question - Have you ever written something that afterwards you felt conflicted about? If so, did you let it stay how it was, take it out, or rewrite it?

My answer - Not in books, no. But here on my blog I have written about a challenge, where I felt conflicted to a great degree. I edited a bit, but generally left it as it was written.

6 kommentarer:

  1. This is a delightful snippet of life. Thank you.
    I do hope your busyness was productive and not stressful.

    1. Thanks, it is, as always when Susan's life is not on Unicorn Farm or containing magic, a true story from my youth or childhood.
      My busyness was both ;) and contained fun as well - and it is not over yet.

  2. I like Susan's journey through the market. I have written something I felt conflicted about so I have never posted it anywhere. I wrote it several years ago and just a few days later there were stories in the newspapers about a similar thing happening in real life and being exposed with trials and convictions, so I put away the story and will probably never use it.

    1. Oh, I do kind of understand this. I sometimes write blogposts, I know I will never post, because some people really make me angry or taken aback, or similar. But those posts are never meant for publishing, just as an outlet, so no conflict exist ;)
      Some small snippets from these "keyboard warrior" posts might eventually make their way into other blogposts ;)

  3. This is a very nice look into Susan's home life and what she enjoys doing when she's not doing magic.

    1. Thank you. I'm trying to "flesh out" Susan with these snippets.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.