søndag den 6. august 2023

Fredagsfrustrationer på en søndag ~ SPAM!

Jeg har lige skrevet til Blogger der hvor man giver feedback:

"Kære Blogger, stop venligst med at markere NOGEN af kommentarerne på min blog som spam. Det er lettere for mig at slette en enkelt spam-kommentar nu og da, end at skulle befri almindelige kommentarer fra spamfængslet flere gange om ugen!"

     Jeg føler mig ret irriteret. Værst er det, når de sætter gamle kommentarer, jeg allerede har læst, i spamfængsel ... kan de mon ikke tænke? Hvis jeg lader en kommentar stå på min blog i uger, nogle gange endda måneder, hvor stor er så chancen for, at det er spam?
     Helt ærligt, Blogger, der er masser af plads til forbedring.

-- 😠 -- ⛈ -- 🤯 --

Friday Frustration on a Sunday ~ SPAM!

I just wrote this to Blogger in the feedback place:

"Dear Blogger, please stop marking ANY of the comments on my blog as spam. It is easier for me to delete the occasional spammer, than to free ordinary commenters from spam prison several times a week!"

I feel rather irritated. Worst when they put old comments, I already read in spam prison ... can't they think? If I leave a comment on my blog for weeks, sometimes even months, how big is the chance of it being spam? Honestly, Blogger, there's huge room for improvement.

4 kommentarer:

  1. YES. And marking my own replies to comments as spam is ludicrous. Why would I publish spam comments on my own blog.

    1. Oh, I thought I was the only one having my own comments put in spam prison. I asked myself - and Blogger - that very same question, but they have not stopped.

  2. Why do i have the feeling it's some kind of AI program doing it for them?

    1. I think it is, and they told it could be taught, but it persists in doing the same mistakes over and over again - and as we need a computer to really bungle up, I suppose this is the correct answer ;)


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.