mandag den 28. august 2023

Poetry Monday :: At the Beauty Parlour

Poetry Monday er en udfordring, hvor Diane fra On the Border er vores vært. Og nok engang kommer jeg til at undskylde til mine danske læsere, for heller ikke denne mandags stikord, I en Skønhedssalon, fik nogen danske rim til at dukke op i mit stakkels hoved. Jeg endte i World of Warcraft, hvor mine helte af og til frekventerer den lokale Barber Shop.

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 At the Beauty Parlour, is the theme for today. At first this had me totally baffled. I do not frequent said place. I have not even had a haircut in about 30 years. But then I thought on  ... beauy parlours ... if you're a man they are Barber Shops, and those I know - from playing World of Warcraft!

Poetry Monday is a challenge, hosted by Diane at On the Border.

The beauty parlour I frequent.
Is not for real people meant.
It's in a game I like to play,
a place where real heroes stay.

But even heoes off from fight -
when wandering the streets at night -
migth need a groom, and take a stroll.
In Old Town, there's a barber pole.

So in he walks and have a seat.
The Goblin's there for every need,
He pays with Gold and walks away,
For monsters new he has to slay.

If you embiggen the pictures, you can see that he actualy only had a shave.

--  --  --
Next Monday it's Newspapers

11 kommentarer:

  1. A different and fun take on a prompt I would struggle with. Thank you - and well done.

    1. Thanks, as I said this was not exactly a prompt that spoke to me either.

  2. Very well done! I´m not much into poetry, but this was fun and very creative, I could never come up with something like that!

    1. Every poet - even the bad ones - needs an audience. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  3. I agree with EC and Iris - very creative! Even monster slayers need a haircut now and then :)

    1. Thank you. Yes you play the same character for a long time - my oldest is now 17 years old, so a haircut now and then is most decidedly in place ;)

    2. Next time around I might give his hair a touch of grey - he is getting older after all.

  4. Excellent poem. I don't play computer games. I'm too slow at figuring out what I am supposed to be doing.

    1. Thank you.
      This specific game is more like playing a movie. You do not ned to be fast - I'm not. You make a player - like the one having a shave. and then you talk to persons that's part of the game, and they give you a job. Sometimes very simple jobs like "Go over to the red house and thell Mona that ..." Sometimes: "Please get me some frewood from the woods to the west" Or "Oh the wolves are at us, please kill 7 and return for your reward." I then go out, looking for Mona, or wolves or whatever I was asked to find. A mouseclick on a thing will make me either: Talk to Mona, pick up firewood, or attack a wolf. It's quite simple, and the complexity is slowly and logically build up. It's the only game apart from Scrabble-like games, I cn play with any form of success ;)

  5. I like your imaginative use of the prompt!

    1. Thnk you - and this comment ended up in the spam prison. Blogger has begun the show once again.


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