mandag den 1. maj 2023

Dumme Blogger - Stupid Blogger

Blogger er gået amok. Hver dag kan jeg befrie mellem 2 og 10 kommentarer fra spam-fængsel. Nogle af dem har jeg haft liggende på min blogi årevis, nogle af dem er mine egne svar, så hvad mon chancen er for at de faktisk er spam?
     Jeg synes jo at svaret er det indlysende: 0%, men Blogger er åbenbart ikke enig.
     Jeg frtsætter stædigt med at befrie dem - og klage til Blogger.

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Blogger has gone crazy. Every day I free between 2 and 10 comments from spam prison.Some of these hve been on my blog for years, Some of them are my own answers to your comments.

What are the chances that they're actually spam? I think the answer is the obvious 0%, but Blogger apparently disagrees.

I stubbornly continue to free them - and complain to Blogger.

10 kommentarer:

  1. This is the weirdest thing yet that Blogger has done. You are not alone; I have read of many bloggers who are having the same problem. But that doesn't make it any more acceptable or any less frustrating.

    1. Let's just all complain to Blogger by using the feedback button!

  2. It's the same here. I wonder if they are testing some kind of AI program, trying to teach it to recognize potential spam. They probably won't tell us.

  3. It is the same here - I think at the moment they have decided that short comments are spam. Hiss and spit.

    1. Sure looks like it, yes. But my own comments! Hiss and spit indeed!

  4. I go through them and delete actual spam, then click "manage" and click the box above to the left to republish what's left. For about three weeks, now there is no spam showing at all.

    1. I do roughly the same plus I tell Blogger that it is stupid - ironically I had to free this comment from spam-prison ;)

  5. This is definitely one of those odd but stupid things blogger or maybe the spam filter recaptcha, has done. I hope this gets a fix soon.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. I think like Mimi that Blogger is testing some anti-spam filters. Hope they get it over with soon.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.