mandag den 15. maj 2023

Poetry Monday :: Chocolate Chips

  Poetry Monday er en udfordring, hvor Diane fra On the Border er vores vært. Og nok engang kommer jeg til at undskylde til mine danske læsere. Det er svært at omskabe denne her slags vrøvl til dansk.
     Dagens stikord er Chokoladeknapper. Sære Uglemor elsker kager og elsker chokolade, bare hver for sig, tak! Så min echokoladeknapper ender altså ikke i kagerne. Hvad så?

-- 🍫 --

 Chocolate chips - crazy MotherOwl loves chocolate and loves cakes, cookies and so on. Only please do not mix! What then would happen to my chocolate chips if I had any?

Poetry Monday is a challenge, hosted by Diane at On the Border.

Chocolate Chips
In a pot I pour them
Liquid they become.
First I stir them, mix and fold.
Then I pour them in a mould.
Leaves and flowers, little owls,
Squares and circles heaped in bowls.
Chocolate chips no more
Happily I'll devour.

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Next Monday: Musical Instruments

6 kommentarer:

  1. Yum. I would love to see (and eat) chocolate owls.

  2. Chocolate candies made that way are a delight.

  3. I confess I eat chocolate chips straight from the bag, and if they were made into little owls I would eat those, too :)

  4. I remember the days when I made fancy chocolate shapes, I had molds of flowers, hearts, stars etc and sometimes made three different coloured and flavoured layers, but it got too expensive so now I just buy chocolate to eat maybe once a month and have only a little each day.

  5. Are you okay? No posts for a couple of days has me worried a bit.

    1. Sorry, Yes I'm fine. Only family from far away visiting, Summer has finally come, a magazine to edit, and a hurting back leaves me not blogging or commenting or answering. Sorry. Sunday is a the last - I hope - in the row of crazy-busy days so normal blogging to be resumed Monday :) Thanks for your concern.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.