søndag den 14. maj 2023

Søndagsbillede :: Solfarvning

Sunday Selection :: Solar Dyeing

     Det lader til at solfarvning er det nye sort. Jeg har prøvet før uden stort held. Der skete nærmest ingenting.
     Men nu prøver jeg så igen. Indtil videre ser det lovende ud.

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Solar dyeing is in fashion right now., I have tried before, with disappointing results, nothing happened.

Now I try again, and so far it looks good.

     Her er det lige blevet sat over.
     I glas nummer 1, det til venstre: røde hasselblade, vild kørvel, lyserøde tulipaner med støvdragere og rejnfan.
     I glas nummer 2, til højre: rødbøg, skønhedsøje-plante, birkeblade, en vissen påskelilje, tørrede kronblade og en masse støvdragere fra mørkerøde tulipaner.

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Fresh from the start.
Jar number one, to the left: red hazel leaves, wild chervil, pink tulips with stamens, and tansy.
Jar number 2, to the right: Red beech leaves, tickseed plant, birch leaves, a daffodil, dry petals and a heap of stamens from red tulips.

Glas 1 tæt på  --  🥀 --  close up of jar number 1.

Glas 2 tæt på  --  🍂  --  close up of jar number2.

Glas nummer 2 senere på dagen, bøgebladene farver tydeligt grønligt, og tulipaner/støvdragere grålilla.

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Jar number 2 later in the day. The red beech leaves give off green dye and the tulip stamens and petals a purplish grey.

Og selvfølgelig er nogle af planterne majgrønne
And of course many of the plant parts were May Green.

Ugen her har været så smuk, så her er et par andre kulørte billeder

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This week has been filled with colours. Here are some of them.

9 kommentarer:

  1. Loving the colours (all of them) in your world. Your latest dying experiment is looking good. Please keep us posted.

  2. I would never think that red leaves would give a green dye. I hope all the colours work well. I like your dome very much.

    1. Normally green leaves give yellow. And it is only now, in spring, that the red leaves give nice green. Later on they give murky yellow or plain yellow.
      Thank you!

  3. A beautiful looking field of canola or mustard. The contrast of the yellow field and the red ‘flowers’ is just stunning

    1. It is canola. The red flowers are flowers, a whole tree full of them. I think they are haws in English (Crataegus), but a red-flowering variety. Close up they look like so many small roses.

  4. Interesting dyeing experiments! I believe red hazel leaves may give some permanent colour, wild chervil too, while the pink tulips are not likely to give anything. Stamens may give splotches of probably unstable colour, and tansy is likely to produce yellow. Red beech leaves will probably beg+have similarly to hazel, tickseed plant, birch leaves, and daffodil are all very likely to produce yellow. I understand you premordanted with alim or added it to the water in the glasses.
    Do report on the results, they will be interesting and informative.
    The picture with the yellow field and red bushes is pure beauty!

    1. The experiment here is more the solar dyeing than the colours. Only real unnkown is thickseed plant.
      Red hazel in the normal way gives a stunning, lightfast bottlegreen, beech the same, but lighter and not so lightfast. Wild chervil when simmered gives limegreen before flowers, or lemon yellow when flowering.
      Tulips I don't know. I have gotten nice, sometimes interesting splotchy greens but never remembered to test.
      I have premordantes all yarn as it is one of my pet peevees that mordant in the dyebath fastens to some of the colour and precipitates as dye residue instead of having it fasten to the yarns.
      I will post the results, and probably mimic them in a simmering pot just to see.
      Thank you, everything is flowering like it was their last chance this year.

  5. It's beautiful there! I hope your dye experiment turns out well.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.