torsdag den 25. maj 2023

Upsi -- Oops

Last Friday (May 19) River asked: Are you okay? No posts for a couple of days has me worried a bit.

I replied: Sorry, Yes I'm fine. Only family from far away visiting, Summer has finally come, a magazine to edit, and a hurting back leaves me not blogging or commenting or answering. Sorry. Sunday is a the last - I hope - in the row of crazy-busy days so normal blogging to be resumed Monday :) Thanks for your concern.

Only one problem. In my haste I did not think well enough. And now Monday with its Poetry and Wednesday with its Words have come and gone.
Because ... actally I meant next Monday, Pentecost Monday.  I'll be back 😉

-- ⏰ -- 📆 -- 📅 -- 🗓 -- 🕰 --

Sidste fredag (19. maj) spurgte River: Er du okay? Ingen indlæg i et par dage har gjort mig lidt bekymret.

Jeg svarede: Undskyld, ja jeg har det fint. Jeg har familie på besøg langvejs fra, sommeren er endelig kommet ... et blad, der skal redigeres, og ondt i ryggen gør, at jeg hverken blogger, kommenterer eller svarer. Jeg er ked af det. Søndag er den sidste - håber jeg - i rækken af vanvittigt travle dage, så normal blogging genoptages mandag :) Tak for din omsorg.

     Der er kun ét problem. I min hast fik jeg ikke tænkt mig godt nok om. Og nu er mandag med sin poesi og onsdag med sine ord kommet og gået.
      Fordi ... egentlig mente jeg næste mandag, pinsemandag.  Jeg vender  tilbage

8 kommentarer:

  1. I saw your reply to River and was thankful (while mourning for your sore back). Come back when you are ready - we will keep the light on for you.

  2. I figured that out, thought you'd be still busy and an aching back doesn't help at all.

    1. Exactly! My back is much better, but the busy is still on ;)

  3. Real life has to come first, before blog life.

    I'm praying your back is better quickly.

  4. I find that pain stops us in the hopeful track of our plans for the day. Totally sympathiize, for yes, blogging takes a lot, I mean a lot, of energy.
    I do hope your pain sees the exit door.

    1. Yes exactly. The pain is much less now. busyness abating, so soon I'll return. My fingers are itching ;)


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