søndag den 21. maj 2023

Havefarver :: Garden Dyes

     Uglemor elsker at gå en tur i haven og plukke urter til aftensmaden, rabarber til en kage og altså planter til at farve med. Og selv om jeg har travlt, skal der bare være tid til en farvegryde når alting springer ud.
     Her er hvad jeg plukkede og det endelige resultat.

MotherOwl loves her garden.The rich feeling picking herbs for dinner, rhubarbs for a cake or palnts for the dyepot. And even if I'm super busy., I just have to find time for a dye pot when ecerything is unfolding.

Here is what I picked, and the result.   


Frisk fra gryden og stadig vådt  --  Fresh from the dye pot and still wet. 

Vasket og tørt, lige til at strikke med  --   Washed and now dry, ready for knitting.

Og noget af garnet er blevet majgrønt
And some of the yarn turned May Green.

10 kommentarer:

  1. Wow. I am going to share this post with another blogger who is just about to get into plant dying.

    1. You're welcome - I even have a dedicated plant-dyeing blog. Danish noly, sorry, but with botanical names and lots of photos. http://farveuglen.blogspot.com/ And I answer questions ;)

  2. Those are lovely, it looks like a very productive batch!

  3. The colours turned out so well! Happy knitting :)

  4. Elephant's Child sent me over, I usually make pottery and gourmet meals but this summer I am starting on my dyeing journey. Gathering supplies and saving flowers and leaves so far

    1. Welcome! If you find anything you do not understand, please feel free to ask. And gratz on aquiring an all-encompassing hobby ;)

  5. Oh I so envy that yarn, Charlotte, it is so beautiful. I can hardly wait to see what you make of it.

    1. This one is going to end up as the "purl one - knit two" borders on a slipover made from the yarn from the dye day. Pictures will come later.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.