lørdag den 24. december 2022

Glædelig jul!

Glædelig Jul
-- Merry Christmas --
Frohe Weihnachten
-- Feliz Navidad --
Hyvää Joulua
-- Wesołych Świąt --

     Dette er et "automatisk" indlæg. Lige nu er gåsen i ovnen, Skribenten hentede den i går nede på gården, den er stoppet med æbler og svesker af egen avl, rødkålen står og luner, den er også hjemmelavet, men ikke hjemmedyrket.
     Ugleungerne pynter træet med hjælp af storesøster, der er hjemme i julen og Hvalrossen og Uglemormor snakker over en kop kaffe. Alle julegaverne, der i år er færre, men til gengæld større, er pakket ind, parat til at komme under træet. Kalenderlys og adventskrans brænder for at indhente sig selv og Trolden spiller på klaveret for os.
     Måske farer Uglemor rundt og leder efter en enkelt gave, der er blevet væk. I løbet af året køber jeg gode gaver, når jeg ser dem, og gemmer dem et godt sted, væk fra Ugleungernes nysgerrige øjne og pillende fingre. Af og til med det resultat at de er væk. Helt væk. Et år var der en julegave, der først dukkede op til midsommer.
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Right now the advent candles are burning to catch up. The goose is in the oven, the Writer got it yesterday from a nearby farm, it is stuffed with prunes and homegrown apples. We also eat red cabbage cooked with vinegar, redcurrant jam, sugar, salt and spices. This concoction is heating and the potatoes are boiling. Later some of them will be glazed in honey.

The Owlets are decorating the tree, helped by their big sister and her children. The Walrus is keeping GrannyOwl company over a cup of coffee, and Trolli is playing the piano. MotherOwl is searching for the last of the presents to wrap. I always find such good gifts during the year, and then hide them where curious Owlets do not look. Often I forget where that special place was, and some years gifts has totally disappeared, not showing up until midsummer.

After eating all this good stuff, we'll dance around the tree singing Christmas carols and hymns. Then the gifts will be opened, one at a time with everyone looking, it takes a long time in our big family. Then we'll eat dessert - risalamande with cherry sauce and hope for Trolli to get the hidden almond, as the gift is a book he wants. (Donald Duck Christmas Classics - From all of us to all of you). Then we all look at, play with and admire gifts, eat some more candy, look longingly in the crib where no Christ child is yet to be seen. He is not there until midnight. Christmas day we'll go to mass, talk with friends and wish them a blessed Christmas.

6 kommentarer:

  1. A very, very Happy Christmas to you and to your family. And I am still hoping (fervently) for the world to receive peace as its gift.

    1. Peace would be the perfect gift for all of us!

  2. It sounds like a wonderful Christmas Eve and I like the stained glass picture at the top. I spent several hours yesterday with the twin girls, they are so heavy now! and rolling around the floor.

    1. This sounds like a very good way to spend Christmas.

  3. A blessed and beautiful Merry Christmas to you and your whole family!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.