tirsdag den 27. december 2022

En farve om måneden - 2023 - A colour a Month

I 2021 havde Jude fra Travel Worlds en udfordring der hed Life in Colour. En farve pr. måned, og det var sjov at forsøge at kombinere den både med Søndagsbilleder, og hvad der ellers foregik af billedindlæg her på bloggen.
     Af og til var den første søndag, hvor Jude afslørede månedens farve, lige sent nok. Det kunne jo være så sent som den 7. i måneden, og nogen gange havde jeg lige set noget, der ville have passet perfekt et par dage forinden.
      Og det ser også ud til at Jude opgav ideen igen - der skete i hvert fald ikke noget lignende i 2022.
     Forleden faldt jeg over en Random Colour Generator, der med et tryk på en knap gav mig en ny farve. Jeg trykkede så på knappen 12 gange - en for hver måned. Faktisk trykkede jeg hele 13 gange, da en af farverne var en genganger. Resultatet ses her til højre. Der er ret mange grønne farver, men de er alligevel forskellige.
     I 2023 vil jeg poste den kommende måneds farve en af de sidste dage i måneden forud. Ydermere vil "farvekortet" her ligge nederst i højre sidepanel.
Hvis der er nogen, der har lyst til at lege med, er de velkomne. Læg et link i kommentarerne, så vi kan komme og se.

Opdateret: Jeg kan se, at jeg har været for uklar.
     Hver 1. søndag i måneden - i det indlæg der hedder Søndagsbilleder - vil jeg have et eller flere billeder der indeholder månedens farve.
     Om den også kommer med de andre søndage og i andre indlæg, vil tiden vise. Hvis I vil lege med, kan I tagge jeres post med Colour23 eller #Colour23 for andre sociale medier og linke tilbage til det indlæg hvor månedens farve afsløres. 

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In 2021 Jude of Travel Worlds had a challenge called Life in Colour. A colour a month, posted the first Sunday of each month. I found it fun trying to combine the monthly colour with Sunday Selection and what else possible on this blog. A stumbling blog to me was, that the first Sunday was a bit late to know the colour, some months the first Sunday is almost a week in, some months the flowers, leaves, whatever fitting the colour had passed their prime just a short while earlier.

Also it seems that Jude gave up on this fun challenge. At least no Life in Colour challenge came up for 2022. Hence, when I found the  Random Colour Generator, I pressed the Generate a colour button 12 times. One for each month of 2023. Actually I pressed the button 13 times, as one colour was a repeat. The result can be seen to the right. Green is overrepresented, but the greens are all different, so I kept them. 

I will be posting the Colour of the month on one of the last days of the previous month, but you will also find the colour swatches in my right sidebar.

If anybody wants to play along I would be happy. Comment on the monthly Colour of the month post so that we can find our way to your blog.

UPDATE: I see now that I have been to vague. The first Sunday of each month, for Sunday Selections, I am going to post one or more photos containing the Colour of the Month. I am going to label / tag them Colour23.

How to play along: If you want to play along, please label your posts with the same label Colour23 (or tag#Colour23 for other social media) and link back to my post revealing the monthly colour.

6 kommentarer:

  1. What an interesting challenge. I will give it some thought.

  2. What day of the month will you do this challenge? If i can remember, i may try to get a picture of something with that month's color for one of the Sunday Selection photos.

    1. I'll try to incorporate it in at least the first Sunday Selection , and maybe also other posts. When I did it last time, I used the tag/label Colour21, so these posts will be labeled with Colour 23.

  3. What exactly would I do with the colour of the month? Do I write about the colour? Or find a picture with that colour and post it?

    1. Really it is up to you, but as you do the Snday Selections, I would suggest finding photo(s) fitting the colour at least one sunday a month - that's what I'll do.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.