tirsdag den 6. december 2022

Z ~A :: Zip through Autumn ~ 9 & Tirsdagstips

Dagens tirsdagstips passer med sidste halvdel af temaet for Z ~ A udfordringen*) som er Fortitude, Easy tips. (Moralsk eller åndelig styrke, Nemme tips). Den åndelige styrke vil jeg ikke rode mig ud i at skrive iom, så jeg holder mig bare til et tirsdagstips.
     Wordle, Ordmastermind og lignende skal løses med papir og blyant. Hvorfor nu det? Jo, ser I, når jeg løser en ordgåde som Wordle, eller den danske Wørdle online, sker det at jeg tænker, at sådan et ord bare ikke findes. Eller jeg er bare ved at løbe tør for gæt. Når det sker, er det tid til at finde papir og blyant frem; det er nemlig ren magi, er jeg sikker på.
     Jeg slår fem streger på papiret, en for hver af de fem bogstaver i svaret, og nedenunder linjerne skriver jeg så de bogstaver, der kan stå på den plads. Og så pludselig - KA-BUM - dukker det rette ord frem i min hjerne. Som sagt, ren magi.
     De blå bogstaver på billedet nederst er en kopi af, hvad jeg skriblede på en lille lap papir, inden jeg udfyldte den sidste linje med det rigtige ord

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The Z ~ A*) prompt for today is Fortitude, Easy tips. I don't know really what to do about Fortitude, ... either you have it or not, and if not, you got to fake it till you make it.

An Easy tip on the other hand. Can do. Try solving Wordle (and it's lookalikes) with pen and paper. It is so much easier.

This needs embellishment, I'm sure. Bear with me for a rambling post, and some Danish - not because I expect you to all of a sudden be able to read it, but because the layout behind all these challenges is more or less the same.

When trying to solve a Wordle - or the Danish Wørdle, notice the ø 😉 - I am sometimes pulling my hair, thinking that no word ever existed using those letters. Then I find pen and paper and write down five  lines like this:
_  _  _  _  _

I then write the letters below the lines in the places where it is possible for them to be right, and mostly ... KA-BAM the right word surfaces in my mind. I am sure that writing with pen on paper is a magical process!
Look at this example - the letters in blue is exactly what I wrote on a slip of paper before filling in the correct last line:

Wørdle November 25

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Zip through Autumn:
Here's a list of dates and prompts. So if you care to join, get on board.

Sept 21- 27 ~  Zero excuses, Yearn to
Sept 28- Oct 4 ~ Xenodochy in blogging, Why blog
Oct 5- Oct 11 ~  Variety, Unique to my blog
Oct 12- Oct 18 ~ Ten-year plan, SMART goals

Oct 19- Oct 25 ~ Recommend, Questions for visitors
Oct 26- Nov 1 ~ Priorities, Open
Nov 2- Nov 7 ~ Never blog this, Motivating
Nov 9- Nov 15 ~ Lesson, Know where I've been
Nov 16- Nov 22 ~ Joy and Job in blogging, Ideas
Nov 23- Nov 29 ~ Happy Habits, Goal of your blog for remaining 2022

Nov 30- Dec 6 ~ Fortitude, Easy tips
Dec 7- Dec  13~ Dare, Chance
Dec 14- Dec 20 ~ Balance, Achievements in 2022

10 kommentarer:

  1. I can do wordle without paper but started out with paper.

    1. I can as well, but I get the answer faster - which is part of the challenge - usiong pen and paper. There's something about the mere act of writing letters by hand that activates some parts of the brain ... I think.

  2. Much as I like words I don't like word games. Crosswords have no appeal and I haven't (yet) been tempted by Wordle. And would definitely need paper.

    1. I only seldom do crosswords, I love MasterMind, and many years ago we played word-MasterMind with pen and paper. I think you should give it a try ;)

  3. Paper does help, with this and with Nerdle (the number version of Wordle in which you figure out the equation instead of a word).

    1. Oops. Numbers and equations, sounds fun too, I'm NOT good at maths, so maybe a way to get better in a fun way ;)
      I'm pleased to hear you find pen and paper helpful as well.

  4. I still think I will never try wordle. I get enough with the puzzles in the daily paper and then I have blogs and books to read, plus television after dinner.

    1. I do Wordle instead of the puzzles in the papers, as nowadays there's only one, a sudoku, of which I'm not a fan - for me they are too much just logic /trial and error and too little brainwork, arghh how do I say this: When I do Wordle, crosswords, riddles ... lots of things, I feel my brain working out ... kinda ... but sudoku, just try, try and try again. No new learning involved, so I read the paper, and go online for brain workout.
      We've got no TV = more time for Wordle & co. On the other hand, I play computer games = less time for Wordle & co.
      Well after all it's a matter of taste, and a wise man siad that taste is not a martter for discussion :D
      Reading is a thing I should do more of.

  5. I love word games to get my brain going. I'll start my writing mornings out with a few puzzles to kick my thoughts into gear. Works (almost) everytime!!

    1. Sometimes I use them as warm up - that is good. More often actually I use them as wind down in the evening - and that's good too.


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