lørdag den 31. december 2022

Godt nytår -- Happy New Year

Med dette indlæg der tilfældigvis er nummer 2023, siger Uglemor godt nytår til alle.
I år begynder kaninens år.

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With this post, curiously it is post number 2023, MotherOwl wishes everybody a happy and prosperous New Year.
This year will be the year of the rabbit.

Nok engang har jeg forlystet mig med Jennifer Fulwilers helgengenerator. Den gode Jennifer har også lavet en årets ord-generator. Den måtte jeg også prøve. Resultatet ses herover.

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As most years I choose a saint, or rather two via the Saints' Names Generator made by Jennifer Fulwiler.
Jennifer has also made a word of the year generator. I just had to try it. The results can be seen above.

8 kommentarer:

  1. How amazing that your first post of the year is also the number of the year. I like your words and hope you are happy with your Saints. And a Happy, Healthy year to you and yours (and all the years to come).

    1. This was a fun coincidence - I had to help it along a bit by not writing a post :D It'll come later.
      I so much wish the same for you!

  2. What a happy coincidence! Because i am learning that those who serve are happier and more joyful than those who wait to be served, my word of the year is Serve.

    I wish you a blessed and beautiful 2023!

    1. ASK is good. Because I have noticed that - even if I hate! when other people want me to guess their wishes, instead of plain asking for what they need - I see the same tendency in myself ... wonder if it's an old person thing? Serve is good toom and maybe a kindness "subspecies" ;)

  3. I haven't done a New Year post this time. I don't have a word for the year either, maybe I choose Help, and just help others when I can, when they need.

    1. I like those random generators of whatever ;) Choosing a word, I would have gone with something more active ... like Dare.

  4. This post 2023? It's a nice, fun coincident.

    Have a lovely new year.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.