mandag den 12. december 2022

New Blogger!

Today I deletes a bog post - It went into the trash-bin. Blogger has a trash-bin now, so accidentally deleted posts can be saved!

And I would have praised the spam filters for not catching any of you regular bloggers, but this morning, for the first time in over three weeks - I had to release Messymimi's comments from spam-limbo.

Also the feed-back gadget is renewed, but awry. I hope this is a work in progress.

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Dagens gode nyhed, Blogger har nu en papirkurv, hvor de indlæg, man uforvarende er kommet til at slette, ligger. Og de kan fiskes ud igen!:

Og så ville jeg have rost spamfilteret. For det er nu over tre uger siden at jeg har måttet redde nogle kommentarer ud. Men så i morges var hele tre as Messymimis kommentarer fanget igen, så rosen må vente.

Og så er der sket noget med feed-back funktionen. Den er blevet fornyet, men virker ikke helt endnu. Jeg håber, der sker noget på den front.

9 kommentarer:

  1. Gahhh! So frustrating for you!
    I can't believe what I have to do to get my posts!

    1. Nope, not frustrating - GOOD: Until now deleted post just vanished, now not-empty deleted posts go into a trash bin and can be retrieved for 90 days.

  2. I am so glad that you were able to retrieve your post. And hooray for the renewal of the feed back gadget. It is a start. And one I hope they build on.

    1. That sure is a nice new feature. I hope too for better fedd-back. And for not marking as spam again! Both your comments went into spam limbo! I hope it's just once for you, once for Diane, once for Messymimi and so on ...

  3. Accidental deletion is the bane of all of us, i am glad to know i can try to get things back if i need to.

  4. I discovered the trash feature a few days ago, I didn't know about posts being able to be retrieved though.

    1. Only non-empty ones .. but then what's the use of an empty post? Or maybe only the ones wih a title, I'll have to play around a bit to find out.

  5. Blogger finally did something good but it was a bit late. I never had problems with accidentally trashing a post so this new feature is not useful to me but I'm glad it's useful to you.

    Of course, with one good thing, one bad thing must happen or so google seems to do Blogger. But we must rejoice in the good and dwell too much on the bad.

    Have a lovely day.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.